
第11章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(11)

2.The Jutes helped the Britons;but not for nothing.Their request,indeed,seemed a modest,almost a silly one;for they asked them to sell them as much land as might be covered with the skin of an ox.But the meaning of the thing appeared when the chieftains drew their knives,slit the hide into many narrow thongs,and enclosed with these as much ground as afforded room for the building of a castle.

3.Vortigern,the British chief,was fairly outwitted in this affair;but he paid many visits to Thong-caster,as the stronghold was called.During one of thesevisits,while wine was flowing freely,a pretty fair-haired girl,called Rowena,the sister of Hengist,knelt before the British chief,and offered him a cup of wine,saying,as she placed it in his hand,“Dear King,your health.”It is said that he was so enchanted both by her great beauty and by the winning kindness of her action,that he begged her brother to permit her to marry him,and offered,asa sort of bribe,to make over Kent to the Jutes.

4.The sacrifice of so fair and fruitful a piece of land did not please the British people,who,not being in love with Rowena,could see with clearer eyes than their King.They rose in rebellion under Vortimir,Vortigern‘s son;and in the war that followed the Jutes were severely beaten,and for a time driven from the land.But Rowena,who remained behind at the British court,could deal with other cups than those of wine.She poisoned Vortimir,and made sure of the return of her brother Hengist.

5.He came back,resolved to try stratagem again.A meeting,intended to settle all disputed points,was agreed on;and to it Vortigern,expecting nothing but a drinking-bout,went with three hundred of his officers.There was drinking,indeed;but when the mead had confused the brains and enfeebled the arms of the British,a signal-shout from Hengist of “Unsheathe your swords!”caused all the Jutes to start to their feet;and with short blades,which till now had been hidden in their hose,they murdered every one of their guests except Vortigern,who was more useful to them alive than he would be dead.

6.At once the British King yielded up Essex and Sussex;but he did not live long afterwards,for we are gravely told that fire came down from Heaven and burned him with all his family,as a punishment for his sins,both personal and those that were against the nation he had betrayed.











barge,a large beat.capital,chief city.commanded,ordered.

incidents,events.knighthood,body of knights.sternness,severity.

1.The great hero of the British struggle against the English inroads was Arthur,a King of southwestern Britain.His father,called Uther by the minstrels,was a Romanized Briton who had revolted from Vortigern and had founded for himself a little kingdom in Hampshire and Wiltshire.Uther had been slain in battle with the troops of Cerdic,the founder of Wessex.

2.Arthur’s capital was Camelot,in Somersetshire;and his banner bore in gold the image of a dragon.He founded the Round Table,an order of knighthood made up of the best and bravest soldiers of his realm;and to them he set an example of nobleness,purity,and valour,which has made his name famous ever since.

3.He is said to have gained a great victory over the English ataBadbury,in Dorsetshire.The

Welsh were posted on the side of a hill,and the English were in the plain below.The Welsh first sent a flight of arrows among the English,and then swept down on them furiously.Arthur met the English leader in single combat,and cleft his skull with his battle-axe.When they saw their leader fall,the English turned and fled.


a Badbury.-About 20miles northeast of Dorchester;near Blandford.

4.The death of Arthur has been dressed up by the old ballad-writers withaall kinds of magical and unreal incidents;and a great poet of our time,AlfredTennyson,has followed their example in writing stories in verse about this ancient King and his knights.

5.They tell us,for example,that when Arthur was wounded in his last battle,and lay almost dead,he commanded a faithful knight,one of the lastbof the Round Table,to take his sword “Excalibur,”

the hilt of which was all

starred with precious stones,and to fling it out into the middle of a lake that lay near.The knight twice went,but returned without having done what he was told.With all the sternness the wounded King could muster,he uttered the command again;and the knight went down among the reeds to the water‘s edge,and flung the sword out with all his might.