
第12章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(12)

6.It went wheeling through the moonlit air,but before it could splash on the surface,an arm clothed in white rose from the bosom of the lake and seized the hilt;and then a barge came floating over the lake with three ladies in long black robes,who took the dying King on board and carried him off to Fairy-land.

7.It was a fond belief among the simple peasants of Britain,whenever they were hard pressed by their foes,that King Arthur would soon come back to set them free.The most likely account of Arthur’s end seems to be,that he fought a battle at Camlan,in Cornwall,with his nephew Modred,who had stirred up a rebellion;and that,being mortally wounded on the field,he was carried by seacto the Abbey at Glastonbury,and there died.



2.亚瑟的王国首都是卡米洛特,位于如今的萨默塞特郡;他在任内创建了圆桌a Unreal incidents.-Most of the history of King Arthur consists of legends.The stories were not writtendown and put into history till six or seven centuries after his time.

b Excalibur.-Arthur had received the sword in the same way.Merlin,the wizard,took him to a lake;and presently a fair arm rose above the surface bearing this sword.When Arthur took the sword,the arm sank under the water again.

c Glastonbury.-in Somersetshire,25miles south-west of Bath.







a 巴普利:位于多尔切斯特东北20英里,靠近布兰福德。

b 荒诞不稽:关于亚瑟王的历史记载大多都是由传说构成,直到亚瑟去世六七个世纪以后,才出现正式文字记载并被采入正史。

c 亚瑟神剑:他们说亚瑟王当年也是同样的方式得到这把剑,一个叫梅林的江湖术士把他带到一个湖边,不久一只华丽漂亮手臂伸出水面,手里就握着这把剑。亚瑟王拿取此剑后,这只手臂又沉入了水中。

d 格拉斯顿堡:位于萨默塞特郡,巴思镇西南25英里。




blackstoled,wearing priestly robes.

brand,sword blade.brandished,waved.chasms,clefts;openings.clutched,seized tightly.dense,crowded.




miracle,wonderful piece of work.mystic,secret;not able to be understood.remorsefully,sorrowfully.


[The “passing”of Arthur means his removal to heaven.According to the legends,he did not die as other men die.When his end came,he was received into a barge by three queens,and was by them transported to the abode of the blessed.Hence the popular belief that he would return to lead the Britons toavictory over the English.Sir Bediveretwice deceived Arthur by hiding the

sword,instead of casting it into the lake.The third time,he obeyed]

1.Then quickly rose Sir Bedivere,and ran,And,leaping down the ridges lightly,plungedAmong the bulrush beds,and clutched the sword,And strongly wheeled and threw it.The great brand Made lightnings in the splendour of the moonAnd flashing round and round,and whirled in an arch,Shot like a streamer of the northern morn,Seen where the moving isles of winter shock By night,with noises of the northern sea.So flashed and fell the brand Excalibur:

But ere he dipped the surface,rose an arm Clothed in white samite,mystic,wonderful,a Sir Bedlivere.-Arthur‘s nephew.

And caught him by the hilt,and brandished him Three times,and drew him under in the mere And lightly went the other to the king.

2.Then spoke King Arthur,drawing thicker breath:“Now see I by thine eyes that this is done.

Speak out:what is it thou hast heard or seen?”And answer made the bold Sir Bedivere:

“Sir King,I closed mine eyelids,lest the gems Should blind my purpose;for I never saw,Nor shall see,here or elsewhere,till I die,Not though I live three lives of mortal men,So great a miracle as yonder hilt.

Then with both hands I flung him,wheeling him;But when I looked again,behold an arm,Clothed in white samite,mystic,wonderful,That caught him by the hilt,and brandished him Three times,and drew him under in the mere.”

3.And answer made King Arthur,breathing hard:“My end draws nigh;’tis time that I were gone.Make broad thy shoulders to receive my weight,And bear me to the margin;yet I fearMy wound hath taken cold,and I shall die.”

4.So saying,from the pavement he half rose,Slowly,with pain,reclining on his arm,And looking wistfully with wide blue eyesaAs in a picture.

Him Sir Bedivere

Remorsefully regarded through his tears,And would have spoken,but he found not words;Then took with care,and kneeling on one knee,O‘er both his shoulders drew the languid hands,And rising bore him through the place of tombs.

5.But,as he walked,King Arthur panted hard,a As in a picture.-The eyes had the same fixed appearance that eyes have in a painting.

Like one that feels a nightmare on his bed When all the house is mute.So sighed the King,Muttering and murmuring at his ear,“Quick,quick!I fear it is too late,and I shall die.”

But the other swiftly strode from ridge to ridge,Clothed with his breath,and looking,as he walked,Larger than human on the frozen hills.