
第121章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(29)

2.The French tried to destroy the English settlements in both quarters;but in India all their efforts were made fruitless by the bravery of Lord Clive,who took away all the French possessions in that part of the world.By theagreat Battle of Plasseyhe conquered Bengal,and founded the English Empirein India.Shortly before that,the native prince of Bengal had suffocated one hundred and twenty-three English prisoners by shutting them up for a whole night in the Black Hole of Calcutta.


3.In North America,Quebec

was taken by the English under General

Wolfe,and the whole of Canada came into the hands of England.Wolfe was killed in battle on the Heights of Abraham.

4.George the Second died suddenly of heart disease,in the seventy-seventh year of his age.He was a good king,and his homely manners and kindly ways made him a favourite with his people.His eldest son,Frederick,had died from the stroke of a cricket ball some years before,leaving nine children,the eldest of whom came next to the throne as George the Third.

5.Important Events.-In this reign Whitefield and the two Wesleysa Plassey.-In the province of Bengal,on the west bank of the Hoogly,the branch of the Ganges on which Calcutta stands;90miles north of Calcutta.

b Quebec.-The oldest city in Canada,then the capital of the French possessions there.It stands on the north bank of the St Lawrence.

separated from the Established Church of England,and founded the Society of Wesleyan Methodists.-The Porteous riot made a great stir in Scotland:a smuggler named Wilson was being executed at Edinburgh:the hangman and the soldiers were pelted by the mob,which also.made a rush to get Wilson out of their hands:Captain Porteous fired on the crowd,and several were killed;forwhich he was seized by the enraged mob,and hanged on a dyer’s pole (1736).

6.Towards the end of this reign,the famous William Pitt,afterwards Earl of Chatham,became leader of the House of Commons (1756).Other leading statesmen of the time were Charles James Fox and Edmund Burke.








a 普拉西:位于孟加拉省,在胡格利水道(为加尔各答市旁恒河的支流)西岸,离加尔各答北部90英里。

b 魁北克:加拿大最古老的城市,后来成为法占领土的首府。位于圣劳伦斯的北岸。




admirably,splendidly.baffled,defeated;balked.citadel,fortress.damming,stopping.desponding,losing hope.enormous,very large.exploits,feats.intoxication,drunkenness.



sallies,attacks on besiegers.sufficiently,enough.suffocation,choking.suicide,self-destruction.supreme,most powerful.wearisome,tiresome.

1.The pranks of the boy,who was once the terror of the shopkeepers of Market-Drayton in Shropshire,foreshowed a firmness and a daring which can be clearly discerned in the ripe manhood of Robert Lord Clive.On one occasion,while he was engaged with a troop of idle boys in damming up a dirty stream with turf for the purpose of turning its course into the shop of a hostile tradesman,the bank of turf gave way.The toil of an hour seemed likely to be destroyed in a moment by the gushing water.But Clive flung his body across the breach,and blocked the way,until his playmates had made a heap of sods sufficiently high to stop the flow.At last he became so great a torment to the neighbours,and to his parents,that a writership in the East India Company‘s service was obtained for him,and he was shipped off to Madras.

2.His life as a clerk was wearisome to him;and the debts into which his scanty pay forced him grew very heavy.Vexed and disheartened,he locked himself into his own room one day for the purpose of committing suicide.Twice he raised the flint pistol to his head and pulled the trigger;twice it snapped without going off!

3.He laid down the pistol and sat brooding over his troubles,when a friend knocked at the door.Clive let him in.The pistol was lying on the table.“Take it and fire it out of the window,”said the desponding clerk.The friend took it up,drew the trigger,and the report echoed through the room.Clive sprang up and cried,“I feel that I am reserved for something great!”

4.The two great exploits,by which Clive secured to England the possession of Madras and Bengal,were the Defence of Arcot and the Battle of Plassey.

5.After the French seized Madras,Clive escaped in the dress of a Mussulman to Fort St.David.There,with nothing to do as a clerk,he took a musket and went out to fight:and his daring valour soon made him so marked that he was intrusted with a command.

6.While a native pretender,who was in alliance with the French,Wasabesieging Trichinopoly,Clive advanced in the midst of a terrific storm ofbthunder and lightning to the town of Arcot,cwhich was the capital of theCarnatic.

Arcot consisted of some straggling streets,surrounding a citadel,the ramparts of which were low and broken.So frightened was the native officer who commanded the place,that he yielded it at once to Clive.