He heard the deep behind him,and a cry Before.His own thought drove him like a goad.Dry clashed his harness in the icy cavesAnd barren chasms,and all to left and rightThe bare black cliff clanged round him,as he based His feet on juts of slippery crag that rangSharp-smitten with the dint of armed heels;And on a sudden,lo!the level lake,And the long glories of the winter moon.
6.Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge,Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern,Beneath them;and descending they were ware That all the decks were dense with stately forms,Black-stoled,black-hooded,like a dream-by these Three Queens with crowns of gold-and from them rose.
7.A cry that shivered to the tingling stars,And,as it were one voice,an agonyOf lamentation,like a wind that shrillsAll night in a waste land,where no one comes,Or hath come,since the making of the world.
8.Then murmured Arthur,“Place me in the barge.”So to the barge they came.There those three queens Put forth their hands,and took the King,and wept.
2.亚瑟王发话,呼吸深沉,玉音宏亮:“我从你的眼中,窥见大功已告成。告诉我吧,你的所见所闻,到底怎样?”英勇的贝德维尔阁下如此应答:“启禀我王,我当时紧闭双眼,担心神剑的宝石让我心志动摇;神哉此剑!我即使三世为人,怕也难以再见如此神迹。我当时奋力一展手臂,神剑翻滚飞出,而当我回眸一视,一只手臂现于水中央,这神一般的手臂外面掩着白袍,美妙绝伦,a 贝德维尔阁下:亚瑟的侄子,圆桌骑士之一。
6.然后一叶扁舟驶来,如丧服般黯淡,小船肃穆庄严,造访他们的人就在船上,a 凝眸如画:双眼注目凝视,看上去宛如画中。
a 阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生(1809~1892):英国19世纪的著名诗人,在世时就获得了极高的声誉。生于英国林肯郡,出身牧师家庭,兄弟均有诗才,肄业于剑桥大学,诗作题材广泛,想象丰富,形式完美,词藻绮丽,音调铿锵。其131首的组诗《悼念》被视为英国文学史上最优秀哀歌之一,因而获“桂冠诗人”称号。其子哈勒姆·丁尼生曾任澳洲总督。--译者注15THE ENGLISH BECOME CHRISTIAN英格兰人始信基督教
complexion,colour of face.
crucifix,a cross with the figure of Christ on it.
expected,looked for.
idolatry,worship of idols.
missionaries,persons sent forth to preach.
1.The conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity is said to have happened in this way:There was a famous Pope called Gregory the Great,who,before he was raised to the Papacy,had been filled with a desire to rescue the people of Britain from idolatry.One day in crossing the market where slaves were sold,he saw some very handsome boys,whose red and white complexion,golden hair,and soft blue eyes took his fancy at once.He asked who they were;and being told that they belonged to a nation called Angli,a he cried out,“Theyare not Angli,but Angeli.”(that is,angels).And that very hour he formed a resolve to work for the conversion of that race of beautiful pagans.
2.It was not,however,until a letter came from ?thelbert,King of Kent,bwho had married a Christian wife,that the first missionaries left Rome forthe distant island.The journey was long,and the danger of going among the wild islanders seemed very great;so Augustine and his forty monks turned back to Rome in fear.Gregory,however,insisted that they should start again for Britain;and they accordingly passed through France and crossed the narrow sea to Kent.
3.The Kentish peasants were quite as much surprised to see the dark-faced Italian priests,as these priests were to see the smiling fields of a land in which they had expected nothing but forest and heath.A meeting between the King and the missionaries was arranged,and a very splendid scene it was.In glittering dresses the monks walked forward at a slow and solemn pace froma Angli...Angeli.-Angli is the Latin for “the English;”Angeli is the Latin for “angels.”
b A Christian wife.-Bertha,daughter of the King of the Franks,whose capital was Paris.
their dwellings to a place in the isle of Thanet where the King and the Queen sat on thrones in the open air.The sound of their voices,chanting Latin psalms,was heard,sweet and low in the distance,and then,as they came near,swelling into the full strong peal of manly music.
4.When they came in sight,it was seen that a picture of a Man bleeding on a cross was carried before them,and that each long-robed foreigner held a silvercrucifix in his hand.Nothing could be kinder than the way in which ?thelbert received the strangers;and as soon as they declared the object of their coming,he gave them houses to livein and money for their regular support.Nor was it long until he yielded to the quiet influence of his wife Bertha,and was baptized into the Church of which Augustine was a missionary.