
第131章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(39)

of squares.With the front rank kneeling,thesecond stooping,and the third and inmost standing erect,all with extended bayonets,each square presented a hedge of bristling points,through which the French cavalry tried in vain to force or cut their way.It was a hard task for the British soldiers to bear these attacks all day without moving to meet the foe:yet they endured this;and when the round shot and the grape cut through the sides of the squares,the men closed up the gaps without flinching.

10.About four o’clock the bear-skin caps of the Prussians were seen coming out of a wood to the east.Napoleon seems to have thought that a junction between the British and Prussian armies would be impossible;and when he saw the approach of the latter,he must have known that his defeat was certain.

11.Yet he tried a last resource.The Old Guard,composed of the flower of his tried veterans,-old enough to have acquired skill and steadiness,yet not old enough to have lost anything of their manly fire and vigour,-was formed for a final charge.He led them himself to the foot of the ridge,and thenacommitted them to Ney.

With firm and swift tread they went up the slope;but before they had reached the top,a body of English soldiers,four deep,rose into sight from a place where they had been lying down,and poured into the ascending column so close and deadly a shower of balls,that the French became confused and scattered,and then ran down the hill.

12.When Napoleon saw the effect of the British fire upon this advance,he cried out,“They are mixed together!”and rode away to the rear.Wellington was then engaged in galloping,as fast as his horse could go,towards the front of thea Ney.-One of the most distinguished of Napoleon‘s marshals.Napoleon called him “the bravest of the brave.”He was shot as a traitor to France in 1815,by order of the restored government.

line,to direct the final movements,which swept the wreck of the French army completely from the field.







a 节选自拜伦长诗《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》。--译者注b 一间白色的农舍:即拉哈耶圣提。

c 另一间:即拉贝里阿联斯。

d 一座别墅:即一处乡村房屋,霍古蒙特别墅。








a 内伊:拿破仑最杰出的一位元帅。拿破仑称他为“勇敢者中的最勇敢者”。他于1815年被一个法国叛徒按照复辟政府的命令杀死。






boudoire (bood’wars),private sittingrooms.

brocade,figured silk.conveyance,carriage.customary,usual.denizens,inhabitants.dissolute,wild.distinguish,mark.emblems,signs.

embroilments,conflicts;quarrels.enormous,very great.insufficient,not enough;scanty.

metropolitan,belonging to the capital;London.

queue (kew),tail.

sinecure,an office without work.

wherries,light ferry-boats,sharp at both ends.

1.Instead of numbers to distinguish shops and dwelling-houses from one another in the last century,signs creaked and swung above each door.These are now confined chiefly to inns:but the Blue Boar,the Golden Key,the Spread Eagle,and similar emblems,shone then with bright variety along every street.

2.There were numerous hackney-coaches;but the Sedan-chair was the most fashionable mode of conveyance in the city.The watermen also rowed passengers from stair to stair in their wherries.At night the streets were badly lighted with oillamps;and it was customary for those who walked abroad at night to hire link-boys to carry a torch before them in order to show the way.These boys,however,were oftenthe accomplices of the thieves who aboundedin London.


3.Another plague of the streets by night consisted in the rioting of Mohocks or other gangs of dissolute young men,“flown with insolence and wine,”who,in defiance of the feeble city watchmen,paraded the chief thoroughfares forthe purpose of assaulting any unfortunate citizen whom they might chance to meet.