
第132章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(40)

4.The Coffee-house was the great resort by day.The Cocoa-Tree was the most celebrated Tory house;the St.James‘s,that most frequented by Whigs.A Club then meant a company of men who met regularly on certain evenings in a tavern for supper and conversation.

5.The use of mahogany for furniture,the more general adoption of carpets,and the improvement of earthenware,made household life more refined and comfortable;but the low-ceiled rooms and the narrow windows of the houses still gave but an insufficient supply of light and air.

6.The most remarkable part of a lady’s dress was the Hoop,a kind of cage on which the flowered brocade of the skirt was extended to an enormous size.Every lady also carried a Fan,of which she made constant use-furling,opening,fluttering it ceaselessly.Her face was spotted with black patches,which at a certain time had a political meaning,Tory ladies wearing the spotson the left temple,and Whigs on the right.

7.The dress worn by a gentleman was stiff and artificial.A huge periwig,white being most prized,flowed with bushy curls on his shoulders,at the beginning of the period.This gave way to powdered hair,tied behind in an enormous queue.His coat was of claret velvet,or of sky-blue silk,heavily bordered with gold or silver lace;his vest of flowered silk extended its flaps half-way to the knee;his three-cornered hat was carried under his arm,an empty form;knee-breeches,silk stockings,and diamond-buckled shoes completed his costume.

8.At the evening parties,which were called ridottos or drums,gambling was practised to a terrible extent.It was indeed the great vice of the age.Gentlemen gambled at their clubs,ladies in their boudoirs;and it was no uncommon thing to lose or to win ?10,000in a single night at cards or at dice.The stately minuet was the fashionable dance;but there were gayer movements also,such as the cotillon and the coranto.Duels constantly resulted from these evening assemblies:the usual places for deciding these “affairs of honour”were Hyde Park Ring,or the grassy space behind Montague House.

9.The behaviour of people in church contrasted strangely with that now usual.A lady came to stare about her,to flutter her fan,and to greet her friends.A gentleman made his bow all round,refreshed himself with snuff,and settled down to sleep.When the preacher concluded a passage of striking eloquence,or made an apt political allusion,the congregation often raised a loud Hum of approval.

10.Bath,Epsom,and Tunbridge Wells were the principal provincial places of resort.There all the follies of metropolitan life were acted over again,with the difference of rural surroundings.The constant embroilments with France and Spain,as well as the insecurity of travel,prevented the natives of Britain from visiting the Continent,except on rare occasions.

11.The authors of this time belonged to one of two classes.A fortunate writer attracted the attention of some eminent statesman,who gave him a pension or a sinecure,and employed his pen in the writing of pamphlets favourable to certain public measures.Most writers,however,were denizens of “Grub Street,”-a locality where the most hapless and improvident literarymen herded together,eking out a scanty livelihood by compiling books anddrudging for booksellers.













a Grub Street,穷作家聚居区。--译者注




1820to 1830A.D.-10years(公元1820~1830年,在位10年)Arctic,northern;polar.


had to be given up,could not be proved.injured,wronged;badly treated.passage,water-way.


repealed,no longer regarded as laws;done away with.

subject to,ruled over by.

1.Soon after the Prince Regent had become King,a plot was formed to murder the Prime Minister and the other members of the Government,to break open the prisons,and to set London on fire;but the plot was discovered,and the ringleaders were executed.

2.George the Fourth had for twenty-five years been married to Caroline of Brunswick;but he had used her very cruelly,and she had long been forced to live away from him.On his coming to the throne,however,she returned to England to claim her position as Queen.