
第136章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(44)

4.Young Peel next went to Oxford,where he greatly distinguished himself by his talents,his studious habits,and his gentlemanly conduct.He was no mere book-worm,however.He was a keen cricketer,and he was very fond of boating.At the close of his college career,he took,for the first time under the new system of examination,a “double first class degree;”that is to say,he wasfirst in classics and first also in mathematics.

5.Peel came of age in February 1809,and almost immediately thereafterahe entered the House of Commons as member for Cashel.

The plans which

old Sir Robert Peel had laid down for his son’s preparation for life had thus been completely carried out.If,instead of being a human creature,the sona Cashel.-A small town of Tipperary,in Ireland,49miles north-east of Cork.

had been a machine,the father‘s design could not have been more exactly fulfilled.

6.Young Peel’s reputation had preceded him when he entered public life,and every opportunity was given him to show his powers.He seconded the Address to the Throne in 1810.He became private secretary to Lord Liverpool;and when that nobleman became Premier in 1812,Peel,then only twenty-four years of age,was made Chief Secretary for Ireland.

7.Peel devoted himself to his parliamentary and his official duties with the same zeal and industry which he had shown during his training at home,at school,and at college.With him,sitting in the House of Commons was not a fashionable dignity;it was an arduous apprenticeship to the profession of politics.

8.His rise,however,was steady and rapid.In 1818he was selected to represent the University of Oxford in Parliament.In 1822he became Home Secretary in the Liverpool Administration.He applied himself with his usual method and eamestness to improving and simplifying the Criminal Law;and his famous “FiveaActs”

are a monument at once of his industry and of his humanity.

9.Peel‘s father,who was also in Parliament,was a stanch Tory.The son began life in the same political faith,and adhered to it as long as he could.But with experience and independent study,his opinions underwent great changes.

10.When Peel was convinced that he had been wrong,he did not hesitate to admit his error.There were three great occasions on which Peel not only proclaimed his conversion,but also became the active promoter of measures which he had formerly opposed.

11.In 1811,he had voted,with his father,against adopting the recommendation of a committee of the House of Commons,that the Bank of England should resume the making of payments in cash-that is,in coin-instead of continuing to pay in paper money only.In 1819,Peel was himself chairman of a committee that advised resumption,and he carried through Parliament.a Bill for thatpurpose.This defection gave great pain to his father,who referred to it feelingly in the House of Commons.

12.From the very commencement of his public life,Peel had opposed Catholicbemancipation.

It was chiefly because of this that he had been selected torepresent Oxford in 1818.In 1829he carried through Parliament the Catholic Emancipation Act,which is now generally approved.

a Five Acts.-Acts bringing together the laws relating to the prevention and punishment of crime.In them many cruel sentences were abolished,and prisoners were treated humanely.

b Catholic Emancipation.-The abolition of the law which excluded Roman Catholics from the House ofCommons13.The third question on which Peel changed sides was that of Free Trade.At first he opposed all change in the Corn Laws;then he proposed a sliding-scale;and lastly,in 1846,he carried the Bill for the total repeal of the Corn Laws.His change on this question broke up the Tory party,and led to a re-arrangement of the political forces under the flags of Liberalism and Conservatism.

14.Sir Robert Peel was twice Prime Minister-first in 1834-35,and afterwards from 1841till 1846.The Protectionists,as the opponents of Free Trade were called,avenged themselves on Peel for deserting them,by joining with the Liberals to oppose his Irish Coercion Bill in 1846.He was defeated,and resigned office.During the next four years he supported the Ministry of Earl Russell.In June 1850he was thrown from his horse.His collar-bone was broken,and he died a few days afterwards.

15.Besides the adoption of Free Trade,his second Ministry was famous for a Bank Act passed in 1844,and for reforms in the tariff,or scale of duties on articles of merchandise.His work as a financial reformer was taken up and carried out by his pupil and follower,Mr.W.E.Gladstone.







a Byron,拜伦,乔治·戈登(1788~1824年):英国诗人,被公认为是浪漫主义运动的先驱。著作有《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》、《希永的囚徒》以及讽刺长诗《唐璜》。--译者注b 卡什尔:爱尔兰蒂帕雷里的一个小镇,科克东北49英里处。





