
第137章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(45)











allies,English,French,and Turks.


mutiny,rising of soldiers or sailors against their officers.

stronghold,fortified place.


1.The long peace was at length broken when war was declared by England and France against Russia,in defence of the Sultan of Turkey,whose provinces north of the Danube had been seized by a Russian army.The Turks had,by a number of gallant efforts,driven the Russians back,when 5,000Turks were massacred by the Russian fleet at Sinope.

2.The English and French fleets then sailed to the Black Sea,and theirbarmies invaded the Crimea.


A battle was fought on the banks of the little riverAlma,in which the Allies gained a great victory over the Russians.They thenlaid siege to Sebastopol,the great Russian stronghold on the Black Sea.

3.During the siege the Russians made a fierce attack on the Allies in thedvalley of BalaKlava,but without success.In this battle the famous chargeof the Light Brigade took place.By a mistaken order,six hundred horsemen charged a much larger body of the enemy,to save a few guns from being taken.Barely two hundred returned.

4.Very shortly followed the bloody Battle of Inkermann,which lasted twelve hours,and in which 14,000English and French defeated 50,000Russians.


5.The next battle was fought in the valley of the Tchernaya,in the summerof 1855.The Sardinians,who had joined the Allies with an army of 15,000men,were attacked by the Russians in great force;but,being helped by the French,they drove them back with much slaughter.

a Sinope.-A sea-port of the Black Sea,on the coast of Asiatic Turkey.

b Crimea -A peninsula in the south of Russia,stretching into the Black Sea.

c Alma.-A river of the Crimea,17miles north of Sebastopol.

d Balaklava.-A sea-port 6miles south of Sebastopol,from which Inkermann is about the same distance eastward.

e Tchernaya.-The river which flows into Sebastopol harbour.

6.Meanwhile the siege of Sebastopol had been slowly but surely carried on;and now the final attack began.Day after day shot and shell were poured into the town from the guns of the allied armies,setting fire to buildings,blowing up powder-magazines,and killing the enemy to the number of a thousand a-day.

7.At length one night,under cover of the darkness,the Russian generaldrew off his troops in fine order,set the town on fire,broke down the bridge across the river,and sank all the vessels of war in the harbour.The allied armies entered the town next day,but found little else than a heap of blackened ruins.

8.It is said that during this terrible siege,which lasted nearly a year,there fell,of Russians,English,French,and Sardinians,no fewer than 100,000men.Russia now sought peace;and a treaty was signed at Paris.

9.These troubles were hardly over,when the British rule in India was almost overturned by a general Mutiny,which broke out in Bengal among the Sepoys,or native soldiers in England’s Indian army.These,at a given signal,rose in revolt,aand put to death their English officers.They took possession of Delhiband otherplaces;and at Cawnpore

they savagely murdered great numbers of Englishgentlemen,ladies,and children,after treating them in a most brutal manner.

10.After a long and desperate struggle,the rebels were subdued by the brave and good Sir Henry Havelock,and by Sir Colin Campbell,afterwards Lord Clyde.Havelock sank under the fatigue of the struggle.The government of India has since been brought directly under the Crown;and in 1876Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India.




a Delhl.-On the Jumna,a tributary of the Ganges;250miles north-west of Lucknow.It was long the Mohammedan capital of India,and the seat of the Great Moguls,the Tartar Emperors,whose dynasty began in 1525.

b Cawnpore.-A city on the Ganges;50miles south-west of Lucknow,and 628from Calcutta.

c 西诺卑:黑海上的一个海港,位于亚洲土耳其的海岸上。

d 克里米亚:俄国南部的一个半岛,延伸至黑海。

e 阿尔玛:克里米亚的一条河流,位于塞巴斯托波尔以北17英里处。





