
第139章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(47)

12.There was this difference between the British and the French attacks,that the French engineers had dug their trenches to within a very few yards of the Malakoff,while the British had to run 200yards before they reached the Redan.The moment they showed their heads the Russian fire began,and during their race across the open ground a great number were killed.When the rest had climbed over the parapet into the Redan,they found themselves in one angle of a triangle,the three sides of which were lined with cannon and rifles;and these opened a deadly fire at once.It was impossible to advance-it wouldhave been inglorious to retreat;yet there was no prospect of reinforcements,and no shelter from the storm of balls.

13.The man who displayed most coolness and valour at this trying momentcwas Colonel Windham,ever since called the Hero of the Redan.He trieda Anniversary of Waterloo.-The 18th of June.Waterloo was fought in 1815.

b Tricolor flag.-The three-coloured flag-red,white,and blue-adopted as the national flag of France at the time of the first Republic.

c Colonel Windham.-He afterwards served as General Windham in the Indian Mutiny,and took part in the defence of Cawnpore.

to form his men;he went fearlessly about among the flying balls;he ventured across that fatal space of 200yards,now strewn with dead and wounded,for the purpose of leading the reinforcements to the Redan.But while he was away,some,becoming afraid to stay,leaped down and ran back to the trenches.Men at such a time are like a flock of sheep:what one or two do is,by an irresistible impulse,imitated by the rest.These British soldiers felt their hearts fail them,and they all fled.

14.The result was the same as if they had remained;for that night the Russians,setting fire to the city,crossed the harbour-bridge to the northern suburb.The siege was now in reality over,although the war was not finished for some months.






5.英克尔曼战役打响的那一天,在英国是放焰火和纪念盖伊·福克斯b的日子。这天是个周日。在前一天的整个晚上,塞巴斯托波尔的钟声都在响个不停,英国哨a 沙皇:俄国皇帝。这一名称是拉丁文“恺撒”的变体。

b Guy Fawkes,“火药阴谋”的制造者。--译者注兵则在右方听到一阵沉闷的隆隆响声。他们不知道为什么会有这样的声音,但实际上,右方是英克尔曼人的洞穴和悬崖所在的地方。







12.英军和法军的攻击有所不同:法军中的工程人员又将他们在马拉科夫的堑壕挖了几英尺,而英军却必须经过200英尺才能到达雷丹。他们刚一露头,俄军便立即开火。他们还没跑过那片开阔地,就有不少人牺牲了。当剩下的人爬上矮墙进入雷丹时,他们发现自己处在一个三角形的顶点上,三角形三条边上都排列着枪炮,这a 滑铁卢战役纪念日,6月18日。滑铁卢战役在1815年进行。

b 三色旗:由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成的旗帜,在第一共和国期间用作法国国旗。




a 温德汉姆上校:他后来在“印度兵变”的平息中成为温德汉姆将军,并参加了坎普尔防御战。




agitation,excitement.announce,intimate.cavern,little cave.confirmed,made certain.desperately,dreadfully.

1.The scene within the


established,posted.explosion,blowing up.luxuries,dainties.pitiable,wretched.tormented,annoyed.

defences of the Residency

at Lucknow during August was pitiable in the extreme;for the shot of the besiegers swept the whole place,and many were killed in their beds.At first there had been a plentiful supply even of luxuries;but as week after week passed,food began to fail,and the besieged were soon reduced to live on unsifted husks of corn,black slippery lentils,flavouredwith bitter salt,and every second day a few ounces of coarse beef.

2.A failure in the Supply of soap also reduced the ladies and children to a state of great discomfort,for they could wash properly neither their clothes nor themselves.The decaying bodies filled the air with a horrible stench,and also attracted clouds of black flies,which swarmed on everything eatable,and tormented every person with their ceaseless stinging.An occasional fall ofa The Residency.-The official house of the English Governor of Oudh,with the adjoining buildings,had been fortified by the English.

heavy rain purified the city for a while;but as fifteen or twenty inmates of the Residency were shot and buried daily,the enclosure soon became like a grave-yard.