3.The besiegers meanwhile kept up a constant fire,mingled with continual shouting and the blowing of bugles.Brigadier Inglis,who had succeededaLawrencein directing the defence,fortunately had a skilful officer ofengineers,Captain Fulton,to assist him in destroying the mines with which the soil all round the Residency was bored like a piece of honeycomb.Now and then an explosion would stun the ears of the anxious garrison;but the genius of Fulton prevented the mining of the rebels from producing any very serious breach in the works.
4.As a specimen of the skill with which the rebels directed their fire,the following instance will serve.Upon a clock-tower which commanded the Residency,an African sharp-shooter established himself with his rifle and a telescope.There he sat perched on high,watching most patiently until he saw a man in an exposed position,when a little jet of smoke would issue from the loop-hole of the tower,and the object of his aim would stagger and fall,dead or desperately wounded.
5.This happened so often,that the artillery were desired to throw shells at the tower,for the special purpose of killing this marksman.A shell was thrown,and a little ring of smoke showed that it had burst just over the place where the negro was in the habit of standing;and yet,immediately after,a rifle-ball came whistling as usual from the loop-hole.Another shell was thrown,and another,and another-all with the same result.It seemed as if the man were shell-proof,for the firing was very exact,and it appeared to the besieged that he could not possibly escape the splinters.
6.The secret came out after the Residency was relieved.Whenever he saw,through his telescope,that a shell was about to be thrown,he went down a ladder into a cavern,which he had hollowed out as a place of refuge,and waited there until the shell had burst;then,climbing to his post again,he fired his rifle and brought down his man.He was killed at last,and was found lying dead,with his rifle and his telescope beside hum.
7.In September,Captain Fulton,the engineer,was killed by a cannon-ball which took off his head.But before that month had closed,a letter reached the besieged,telling them the welcome news that a force under Sir James Outrama Succeeded Lawrence.-Sir Henry Lawrence,the Governor of Oudh,had been killed while heading a sortie from the Residency.
was marching to relieve them;and next day a faint sound of cannon in the direction of Cawnpore seemed to announce the approach of their deliverers.
8.Great agitation and hurry among the enemy in the city confirmed this hope;and in the night that followed,the flashing of guns,seven miles off,was distinctly seen.Next day,officers in shooting coats and men in blue trousers were seen in the streets of Lucknow,fighting their way towards the Residency under a fire from every window and every roof.And then,at sight of their friends,cheers rose from every trench and battery within the shattered works of the Residency.
a“官邸”:英国奥德总督的官邸,周围有相互毗连的建筑物,由英军把守。b 亨利·劳伦斯爵士,即奥德总督,率队从官邸突围时被打死。
blockaded,shut in.
circuit,round-about march.concealed,hidden.continually,constantly.escorting,accompanying.manifest,clear.
reinforce,add to the number of his forces.
sentinels,soldiers on guard.
volunteered,offered of his own will.
1.The deliverers had started from Cawnpore,under General Havelock;but they had been obliged to retreat.Sir James Outram then came to reinforce him.As his superior officer,he might have superseded Havelock in the command;but Outram was too noble for this.Saying that it would be unfair to deprive Havelock of a glory for which he had toiled so hard,he placed himself under that general‘s orders,and together they set out with 2,500men.