
第145章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(53)

11.Accordingly,on the following day-April 12,1868-a force of five thousand men was sent to storm the rock-built citadel of Magdala;and after a feeble resistance the Abyssinians were forced to yield.It was found,when the stockade at the north gate was forced,that King Theodore,having seen his men defeated and his defences to be useless,had shot himself with a pistol.The army then retraced its steps to the shore of the Red Sea.Sir Robert Napier,in recognition of his services in this war,was raised to the Peerage with the title of Lord Napier of Magdala.






5.我们在那些到埃及旅行过的人所写的书中读到,要登上大金字塔a,就必须攀爬一连串的石阶,而每级石阶都齐胸高。英国军队爬上通向马戈达拉的高原的行a Great Pyramid,即胡夫的吉萨金字塔。--译者注军,就与攀爬大金字塔十分相像,只不过石阶在这里是高山台地罢了。一开始,他们并不是与人的脚板斗,与灼热的气候斗,而是与四处耸立的巨大岩石斗,因为这些岩石似乎挡住了通往平地中心的入口。










The First Afghan War took place in 1839-1842.


abandoned,given up;quitted.accompanied,went with.annihilated,destroyed.

cavalcade,procession of persons on horseback.



fanatics,religious madmen;zealots.



negotiations,interchange of proposals.

previously,before.rebuff,check;repulse.traversed,passed over.

1.On a bright September morning,in 1878,a cavalcade might have been seen riding up the Khyber Pass-the deep and narrow gorge which forms the most direct road from Northern India to Afghan-istan.The company was an English embassy,headed by Sir Neville Chamberlain,on its way to Cabul,the Afghan capital.

2.When the horsemen reached Ali Musjid-a fortress near the head of the pass-they were told that they would not be allowed to proceed further.Shere Ali,the Ameer or Emperor of Afghanistan,had refusedto receive the embassy,and had given orders that it was to be turned back.

3.Sir Neville was prepared for this rebuff,and received it quietly.He knew that it meant war.Some months previously,the Ameer had received a Russian mission with great pomp at his capital.The English Government of India was highly displeased on hearing of this.Its members were jealous of the influenceRussia had acquired in Central Asia,believing that she was preparing the way for an attack on India.

4.The Viceroy (Lord Lytton)therefore asked the Ameer to show his good-will to England by receiving an English mission at Cabul.This he refused to do,and after some formal and fruitless negotiations,war was declared.Its objects were said to be,to avenge the insult offered to England,to destroy Russian influence at Cabul and establish that of England,and to secure for India aa“scientific frontier”

as a defence against Russia.

5.In November,the English forces entered Afghanistan in three columns.Their success in two or three engagements showed the Ameer how hopeless was his cause.Having no trust in his own people,he took to flight.By arrangement with England,the Russian mission was withdrawn from Cabul in December.Shere Ali either accompanied it or followed it;and overcome by grief and despair,he died of a broken heart about six weeks later.

6.His son and successor,Yakoob Khan,submitted to the English,and madebwith them the Treaty of Gandamak.

Its most important terms were,that the

Ameer agreed to be guided in his foreign policy by the advice of England,and with that view to receive at his capital an English Resident with a suitable escort.

7.In due course,Sir Louis Cavagnari,who was selected for the post of Resident,arrived at Cabul.He was accompanied by several English officers,and by an escort of eighty men,-chiefly native Indians.Quarters were assigned them in the Bala Hissar,which had once been the citadel of the town,but the defences of which had almost entirely disappeared.

8.For several weeks all went well;but early in September there was a sudden and fearful outbreak of hostility to the English.A body of Afghan soldiers went to the Ameer‘s palace and demanded the arrears of their pay.When this was refused them,they rushed to the English Residency,and attacked the soldiers on guard there,at first with stones,and afterwards with rifle bullets.