9.The Afghan soldiers were speedily joined by the mob of the city,which was evidently filled with intense hatred of the strangers.In a short time the English found themselves besieged in their houses by an overwhelming force of furious fanatics.
10.The English made a most determined defence;but from the first they saw how hopeless their position was.A message was sent to the Ameer,asking him for help;but he was either powerless,or he was a party to the plot.Thea Scientific frontier.-A frontier capable of regular defence in war.
b Gandamak.-A place between Jelalabad and Cabul.
garrison made charge after charge on the enemy;but at every sally their numbers were diminished.
11.At last their houses were set on fire by the besiegers.The little remnant of the garrison,seeing that all was lost,rushed out on the enemy sword and pistol in hand.Though they sold their lives dearly,every man of them was killed,except a single sepoy who escaped to the English camp,to tell what he had seen of the terrible tragedy.
12.General Roberts immediately marched on Cabul,and inflicted swift and sharp punishment on the mutineers.He defeated them in the field on several occasions;and when he entered Cabul he ordered the ringleaders in the massacre to be hanged.Yakoob Khan,whose fidelity was doubted,prudently resigned the ameership,and was sent as a prisoner to India.
13.Roberts spent the winter at Sherpur,a fortified camp near Cabul,which the Afghans had abandoned.In the spring,he intimated that the English would withdraw as soon as the sirdars,or chiefs,had agreed on a ruler.In July,Abdurrahman Khan was selected as Ameer,and in August the English army returned to India by the Khyber Pass.
14.Meantime a serious disaster had befallen the English arms in the south of Afghanistan.At Maiwand a small army under General Burrows was almost annihilated by Ayoub Khan,who led a large force from Herat to attack Candahar.Thereafter General Primrose was besieged in the latter city.
15.As soon as General Roberts heard at Cabul of this disaster,he set out for Candahar with all the forces at his command.His rapid and orderly march is one of the most remarkable in the annals of Eastern warfare.In little more than twenty days he traversed the three hundred and fifty miles between the two cities;and he found his troops so fresh,that the very next day after his arrival he attackel Ayoub’s army,and routed it with great slaughter.
16.This virtually closel the war.Ayoub Khan fled to Herat.Abdurrahman unlertook the government of Candahar;and early in 1881the whole of the English army was withdrawn within the Indian frontier.
a“合理前沿”:在战争中能提供稳定防御的前线。b 甘达马克:贾拉拉巴德和喀布尔之间的一个地方。
disestablished,no longer the State Church.emigration,removing to another country.remedy,cure.
sedition,trying to raise a rebellion.suspended,set aside for a time.terms,agreements for holding farms.
1.Ireland has needed a great deal of attention during the present reign.In 1845the potato disease caused great distress.Partly by death and partly by emigration to America,the population was lessened by nearly two million.
2.The Irish have always complained of being badly governed by England.The favourite remedy with the Irish people for the ills of Ireland has been the“Repeal”of the Union of 1801.A great outcry for Repeal-that is,for a separateaIrish Parliament-was headed by Daniel O‘Connell;sedition,and with that the outcry ceased for a time.
but he was tried for
3.Some years later it was renewed,when the Fenianplot for the separationof Ireland from England was formed.The Habeas Corpus Act was suspended-that is to say,it was made lawful to imprison men without trial-and many of the leading Fenians were banished.