
第17章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(17)

welcomed,received kindly.

1.When Alfred came to the throne,in his twenty-second year,he ran the risk at first of displeasing his subjects by ruling them too harshly.That was the reason for which,when the Danes made an attack by sea on the southern shore,there were very few men who cared to help Alfred in beating them back;so the young monarch was driven from his throne,and had to hide himself among the woods and the marshes of Somersetshire.

2.This piece of bad fortune did good both to himself and to his people.It softened the sternness of his nature,and allowed his people time to forget his early harshness.His hidingplace was an island in Somersetshire,called Athelney,a little patch of ground covered with alder trees.A bridge was built over the stream,and here the King remained for a whole winter.

3.It was while he lived in this sad state that he found his way one day into the cabin of a man that herded oxen.The man was out,but his wife welcomed the wanderer,and bade him sit down and warm himself at the fire of logs that crackled in the centre of the clay floor.Alfred,who was dressed in the clothes of a peasant,gladly did so,at the same time taking out his knife and trimming his bow.

4.The woman asked him to see that some cakes,which were baking on the fire,did not burn:but he was either too tired,or too much wrapped in thought,or too busy with the shaping of his bow;for,when she turned again to look,the bread was black and smoking.Little dreaming that she was scolding her King,the herdsman‘s wife poured out a torrent of abuse,and told the culprit that,although he was lazy in watching the cakes,she was sure he would eat them greedily enough when they were baked.










minstrel,a singer;a bard.regained,won back.skilfully,cleverly.

1.When the news spread quietly among the English of Wessex that Alfredawas living in the island of Athelney,the young men gathered secretly around

him;and in the spring he left the island with a little army of brave men.Before engaging in battle,he is said to have taken the very bold step of going in a minstrel’s dress into the camp of the Danes and playing there,until he was invited to feast with the chief.

2.All the evening he played and sang most skilfully,and the Danes talked in the pauses of the music about their plans for defending themselves and for attacking the English.His ear,though he did not seem to listen,caught every word of the boastful talk,which became less guarded when the wine began to affect the soldiers‘brains.When the feast was over,the minstrelstole away to his little camp atbKING ALFRED IN THE DANISH CAMP.


on the borders of Selwood Forest,and there laid his plans for anattack on the Danes.

3.Next day he managed to place his men between the Northmen and their camp,which was a round or oval space high up on a hill.It was sunset before the battle was ended.The Danes ran up the hill and hid themselves in theira Athelney is AEtheling-igge;that is,Prince’s Iale.

b Brixton.-Now Brixton-Deverill,in Wiltshire.

camp,where,for a fortnight,but no longer,they held out against the attacks ofathe English army,which grew larger every day.By the Battle of Ethandune,asthe fight is called,Alfred regained the throne of Wessex.

4.Nearly twenty years later,Alfred inflicted another great defeat on the Danes.There came to the shore of Kent a fleet that seemed number-less,consisting of more than two hundred ships;and its chief was Hastings,the best known pirate of his day.The Danes landed,and,by forming camps,succeeded in holding their ground for a long time.

5.Their principal station-and their last-was at Wareon the Lea,whencethey threatened London on the north.Alfred came on them at a time when they were just preparing to reap a field of corn,which some English farmer had sown,but on which all the summer they had been casting greedy eyes.We may imagine their wrath when they saw one-half of Alfred‘s force lay down their spears and set to work on the grain with sickles.The reaping,the binding,thecarting were calmly and securely done by the Englishmen,while the Danes looked on in helpless rage from behind their strong ramparts,which were utterly useless in this case.

6.Alfred knew well that the Danes depended chiefly on their ships,and that to render these useless would be to rob them of their strength.Secretly,therefore,he set diggers to work,and caused them to make two long channels alongside of the bed of the river in which the Danish fleet was floating.When all was ready,he cut a way for the water to flow into these new channels,and thus made the old stream so shallow that the ships ran aground and fell on their sides.This was a fatal blow to the pirates,who ran away from their works and scattered themselves over the country.Next year they got home with difficulty in some leaky ships,which they had managed to borrow from the Danes of the eastern coast.



a Ethandune.-Now Edington,near Westbury in Wiltshire.

b Ware.-Twenty miles north of London;near Hertford.