1.Of King Canute,or Knut,as he is sometimes called,many stories are told in English history,where he is often called “the Great.”He was certainly the only one of our three Danish Kings worthy to hold a sceptre.
2.An old archbishop,whom the axe of a Danish soldier had struck dead,was buried in the Cathedral of St.Paul in London,and the presence of his mouldering bones within the walls seemed to the citizens a safeguard for their city.It so happened that the monks of Canterbury desired to have the saintly bones removed to their city,and got Canute to allow the removal.He not only consented,but also agreed to help them in the work.
3.When the time came for their removal he was in his bath;but he hurriedly wrapped a cloak about him and ran to the church.The stones of the tomb seemed to drop out of their own accord,and the body was taken from its resting-place.In the meantime,the attention of the Londoners had been drawn off by a pretended riot,and nearly every one had run to see what was the matter.
4.A large boat,adorned with gilded images of dragons,was waiting on the river to carry the remains of the archbishop;and,when all was safe on board,the King steered it across with his own hand.And then a car received the relics,and bore them to Canterbury,where they were received with music and rejoicing.
5.The people of London were very angry at what they considered a robbery,which might bring misfortune on their city;but Canute did not care,for he had done it to please the monks,who were by far the most powerful class of people in Europe at the time.
6.The most famous story about King Canute is that of his rebuking his flatterers.Like many other stories of the olden time,it is now thought to be untrue;but it has a good lesson in itself,and is therefore worth telling here.
7.The courtiers who stood around Canute‘s throne were in the habit of flattering him to his face,in a way which could not but disgust a sensible man.Living at one time by the sea,perhaps near Southampton,he was told by some of them that they firmly believed him to possess power over the waves,which,they said,would roll back at his command!
8.He resolved to rebuke them by putting their foolish words to the test.Accordingly he had a chair carried out to the sea-shore,and placed within the tide-mark,when the waters were flowing in.Sitting there,he called aloud to the sweeping sea,and commanded it to go back.It still flowed on,nearing his chair,as wave followed wave.Again he called;yet still it advanced.
At last a wave wet his feet;the next wet his legs;and before many minutes the sea was tossing around his chair.
9.He then turned to the crest-fallen courtiers,and said words likethese:“None but Almighty God canCANUTE AND HIS COURTIERS.
say to the waves of the sea,’Thus far shall ye come,but no further.‘The power of an earthly King is vain compared with His.”And then,we are told,he took the crown from his head and sent it to Winchester,that it might be placed,in memory of this lesson,above the crown of thorns on the image of the Saviour.
attendants,servants.barricade,fence.confident,trustful.delayed,put off.emboldened,made bold.entreaty,prayer.
furious,flerce.ravine,valley.recognize,find out.
resolved,made up his mind.squadrons,bodies of soldiers.victims,sufferers.
1.When Harold,who was at York,heard of the landing of William at Pevensey Bay,he hurried to the south at once,and took up a position at Senlac,about eight miles from Hastings,where William had raised two wooden forts.It would have been better for him had he delayed until the full strength of the English force had gathered;but he was so cheered with his victory ataStamford,and so confident in his own power,that he resolved to fight at once.
2.A spy sent from his camp had lurked about the edge of the Norman lines for some time,and,seeing vast numbers of shaven men going about,had gone back with the news that the invader had brought over a band of monks more numerous than his soldiers.
3.This mistake,for it was the archers that the spy had seen,emboldened Harold still more;and so the English took a good supper,and sat by their watch-fires drinking ale and singing songs.The Normans,wiser and more cautious,spent the night in fasting and prayer,so that they rose with clear heads and strong limbs.