
第22章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(22)

4.Harold’s army,scarcely 20,000in number,was firmly posted on the slope of Senlac Hill,behind a barricade of ash-wood and osier.They had a splendid banner,on which was worked,in gold and gems,the figure of a soldier;but they had not half enough of weapons.There were in the ranks many peasants,who had nothing except pitchforks or wooden poles sharpened to a point.

a Stamford.-on the Welland,between the counties of Lincoln and Northampton.There Harold had defeated the King of Norway on September 25.The Battle of Hastings was fought on October 14.

5.Duke William,who had sought the blessing of the Pope on his undertaking,took care that bis soldiers should see that they were fighting under the shadow of a sacred banner,no less splendid than the English flag.In his hurry to get ready on the morning of the battle,he had put on his coat of mail with the back where the front ought to have been;and his attendants,always on the watch for signs,had begun to look alarmed,when he called out,“It is no matter;it is a good sign,for to-day a Duke shall be changed into a King.”

6.And then the Battle of Hastings began.In front of the Normans rode agaily-dressed minstrel,singing warlike songs.He had got from the Duke the honour of striking the first blow,and accordingly he drove his lance-head through a man;but his weapon was scarcely free,when a mortal blow cut him down.

7.It was in vain that the Norman horse dashed up the hill on the English lines.Standing steadily together,the Englishmen hewed away with their bill-hooks at the attacking squadrons,and at last hurled them down the hill,at the foot of which many of the jaded horses went neck and croup over into a deep ravine filled with brambles and thorny shrubs.

8.Just then a spear killed Duke William‘s horse;and,as the Duke fell stunned to the earth,a cry arose that he was dead,and the Normans began to run away.But he sprang up;got a fresh horse;took off his helmet,that his troops might know him;and with his brother the Bishop,who rode a white horse and fought with a mace,galloped into the crowd of fugitives,and with blows,entreaties,and commands turned them back to the fight.

9.A lucky thought then struck him.He made his bowmen shoot up into the air in a slanting direction,so that their arrows might fall from above on the heads of the English;and thus many skulls,uncovered by helmets or iron caps,were pierced.

10.Among the victims of this plan were King Harold and two of his brothers.Harold received an arrow in his brow,above the right eye.He tore out the shaft,and leaned his face upon his shield.But his fighting was done;and,whether it was this wound or others received in the final struggle round the English flag that caused his death,certain it is that he was dead before the roar of battle was silent on the plain.

11.The closing fight was near the golden banner of Harold,around which a few of the bravest English soldiers had gathered,after a pretence of flight on the part of the Normans had drawn them from their strong position on the hill.Twenty Norman knights swore that they would reach the centre of this ring or die:and with one furious charge they broke through it,and hurled the glittering banner to the dust.

12.This and the death of Harold secured the victory for the Norman Duke.The battle was fought on a Saturday,and on the Sunday morning the field was covered with weeping pale-faced wives and mothers,who were looking among the dead for their dear relatives.One of the searchers was an English lady-Edith of the Swan Neck-with whom Harold had been in love;and no eye but hers could recognize the features of the fallen King beneath the clotted blood and dust which covered the face of his corpse.At first the body was buried in the sand of the sea-shore,but at the entreaty of his aged mother,it was taken up and placed under the stone floor of Waltham Abbey.







a 斯坦福德:地处韦兰德河畔,位于林肯郡与北安普敦郡之间。哈罗德于当年9月25号在此地击败了入寇多时的挪威国王,黑斯廷斯之战就发生在当年10月14日。





