6.When the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain,they were the slaves of a gross and absurd idolatry,which prevailed among all the northern tribes of Europe.
They dedicated each day of the week to a particular deity;and we still name theadaysafter their fashion.
7.Though Christianity had been introduced into Britain before the time of Augustine,it was not till he and his followers landed in Kent that the heathenism of the English was overthrown.The priests spent their leisure in the practice of many arts.Painting on glass and working in metals were favourite employments of even the highest churchmen;and not a few churches owed their bells and their coloured windows to the monks of this age.The monasteries were almost the only seats of learning.
4.东西吃完,大家才敞开肚皮喝酒,喝到东倒西歪为止。为了增加兴致并消磨时间,大家还会饶有兴趣地欣赏一会儿撒克逊独有的五弦竖琴,每一个人都要轮流和着音乐的节拍唱诗。这种带点文艺范儿的音乐消遣为粗犷的场面融入了仅有的风雅,a Name the days.-Sun daeg (Sunday)and moon daeg (Monday)were set apart for the worship of the great lights of heaven;Tuiscaes daeg (Tuesday),Wodenes daeg (Wednesday),Thores daeg (Thursday),and Freyaes daeg (Friday)were sacred to Tuisca,Woden,Thor,and Freya;while Saeteres daeg (Saturday)was devoted to the service of Saetere,a water-god.
a 对星期几的命名:太阳日(星期日Sunday)和月亮日(星期一Monday)指称上天的光明;星期二(Tuesday)、星期三(Wednesday)、星期四(Thursday)、星期五(Friday)分别对应Tuiscaes、Wodenes、Thores、Freyaes四位神,星期六(Saturday)则是纪念Saetere这位水神。
1066to 1087A.D.-21years(公元1066~1087年,在位21年)account,a statement;description.
embraced,took in.
laying waste,destroying the houses and crops of.
rebellion,civil war.
siege,attack on a fortress.
tyrant,monarch who ruled by his own will.
1.William,after the Battle of Hastings,marched to London;and was crowned there on Christmasday,1066.With him the Norman line begins.He promised to rule according to the English laws,and was at first just and merciful:but his new subjects gave him much trouble by forming plots against his life;and once,when he was in Normandy,they fixed on a day for destroying all the Normans in the country,as ?thelred had destroyed the Danes.
2.But William soon returned;and,when he heard of it,he began to act like a cruel tyrant,burning houses and killing people,and laying waste whole counties.Taking away the rich estates of the English,he gave them to his Norman followers;who promised,in return,to serve him in time of war.Thus began in England the Feudal System,or the custom of holding land by giving service in war,instead of by paying rent in money.
3.Three chief events of his reign were these:-The DomesdaybBook waswritten,the Curfew
Bell was brought in,and the New Forest was made.TheDomesday Book contained an account of every estate in England,with thea Domesday.-That is,Judgmentday,or Law-day.Alfred the Great made a collection of dooms;that is,laws.
b Curfew.-From French words meaning “cover fire”.The English thought this law or custom a mark ofdegradation.
name of its owner;and an account of the ploughed land,as well as of the rivers,forests,and lakes which it contained.
4.The Curfew was a bell which was rung in every parish at eight o’clock at night,as a signal for the peopleto put out their lights and fires.The New Forest embraced all Hampshire,from Winchester to the sea.Here William destroyed sixty villages,and drove out all the inhabitants,in order to make it a fit place for hunting deer!
5.The Conqueror had four sons,Robert,Richard,William,and Henry.Robert raised a rebellion in France against his father.Duringthe siege of a castle,father and sonCOMBAT BETWEEN WILLIAM AND HIS SON.
met in single combat;for both being covered with armour,they did not know each other.Robert knocked his father off his horse,and would have killed him;but at that moment he saw his face.He was so shocked that he fell down before his father,and asked his pardon.
6.Some years after this,King William was besieging a town in France,when his horse,treading on some hot ashes,began to plunge.The King,who had become very fat and heavy,was bruised on the saddle,and this caused his death.He left the crown of England to his second living son,William,and that of Normandy to Robert.
7.William was a daring soldier and an able ruler;but he was cruel and reckless in the means he used to gain his ends.