b 宵禁制度:原词Curfew来自法语,意为“熄火”。英国人认为此项法令的实施是一种社会生活的倒退。
circling,all round.
diamonds,emeralds,rubies,precious stones.
legions,numbers;hosts.martial,warlike.minted,coined.peasant‘s,poor man’s.
slumbers,sound sleep.squadrons,divisions of the army.stain,blame;spot.
sward,grass.tranquil,quiet.turret,small tower.untold,uncounted.
1.Great King William spread before him All his stores of wealth untold-Diamonds,emeralds,and rubies,Heaps on heaps of minted gold.Mournfully he gazed upon itAs it glittered in the sun,Sighing to himself,“O treasure!
Held in care,by sorrow won;Millions think me rich and happy,But,alas!before me piled,I would give thee ten times over For the slumbers of a child.”
2.Great King William from his turret Heard the martial trumpets blow,Saw the crimson banners floating Of a countless host below;Saw their weapons flash in sunlight,As the squadrons trod the sward;And he sighed,“O mighty army!
Hear thy miserable lord:
At my word thy legions gather-At my nod thy captains bend;But,with all thy power and splendour,I would give thee for a friend.”
3.Great King William stood on Windsor,Looking from its castled heightO‘er his wide-spread realm of England,Glittering in the morning light;Looking on the tranquil river And the forest waving free;And he sighed,“O land of beauty!
Fondled by the circling sea,
Mine thou art,but I would yield thee And be happy,could I gain,In exchange,a peasant’s garden,And a conscience free from stain.”
a Windsor.-The chief royal residence in England-on the Thames,23miles west of London.The castle stands on a height,and the view from the terrace-a broad walk beside the castle walls-is one of the finest in England.The first castle there was built by the Conqueror,who reigned from 1066till 1087;but that long ago disappeared The present castle was founded by Edward III.
b River.The Thames.
3.威廉大帝站在温莎a王城,于城堡之上凭栏眺望,英格兰无边美景,在清晨的阳光里更加婀娜旖旎,a 温莎:英格兰皇家所在地,位于泰晤士河畔,伦敦以西23英里。其城堡位于一个高地之上,从城堡的观景台望去,风光尽收眼底,是英格兰胜景之一。城堡最初由威廉大帝在公元1066~1087年在位期间修建,但后来毁于战乱,现存的修建于爱德华三世时期。
a 河流:指泰晤士河。
b 查尔斯·麦凯(1812~1889):苏格兰诗人、作家、记者。有著作《大众的迷茫与狂热》一书,书中有言:“群众一旦开始集中疯狂,那么只有在付出巨大代价之后才会找回自觉。”--译者注31HEREWARD THE ENGLISHMAN赫里沃德
ceremony,the service or form of making a knight.
hardihood,firm boldness.
intruder,one who enters without leave.
outlaw,one beyond the protection of the law.
1.An East Anglian chief called Leofric had a son named Hereward.Theapeople of East Angliawere famous for the rough hardihood to which theyreared their children.A common practice was to take a boy by neck and heels and heave him up on the sloping thatch of a cottage-to try his strength.If he managed to cling with hands and knees in that position,he was thought to be worth keeping:if he fell,he was obliged to go and seek his fortune beyond the bounds of East Anglia.
2.There is little wonder that young Hereward,trained in such a way,grew up fearless and daring;and in these qualities he so outstripped his companions that he gained the victory in all sports.If in wrestling he was tripped and thrown,he would spring up sword in hand,and change a friendly contest into a bloody duel!
3.Such conduct turned many against him,and he got into so many quarrels with the neighbours,that his father was forced to ask Edward the Confessor to make the troublesome boy an outlaw.So Hereward left his home,and lived the life of a wanderer.
4.His valour was so remarkable,even in an age of great fighting men,that songs were made in his honour,and his praise was sung by minstrels when they struck their harps in the castle-halls after supper.When the news reached his native place,that the high-spirited boy,who had been driven away,had become a great hero of war,there was much joy.
a East Anglia.-Now Norfolk and Suffolk.
5.Some time after the Norman Conquest,Hereward returned home.Finding a French knight in possession of his dead father‘s lands,he lost no time in raising a band to drive out the intruder.But the Frenchman was aided by all the force of the Conqueror,so that Hereward was obliged to form what wasacalled the Camp of Refuge in the Isle of Ely,as to be secure from almost any attack.
a place so surrounded with fens