1.As was usual with the Norman Kings,Henry the First considered Normandy of more importance than England,and he spent a good deal of his time in war with the French King.At the close of one of those wars,he was returning to England.He had reached Barfleur,the great Norman sea-port,and was going on board a ship,the sails of which were being shaken out,when a man m sailor‘s dress came before him,and,offering the present of a golden coin,said-2.“It was my father who steered the ship in which your father sailed for the conquest of England.Sire King,I beg you will allow me to do the same for you.I have got a fine vessel called the White Ship,in the best of trim,and rowed by fifty able oarsmen.”
3.The King could not go himself,for he had chosen his vessel already;but he agreed that his son,Prince William,a lad in his eighteenth year,should take his place and sail to England in the White Ship.Henry then went on board his own ship,and sailed over a smooth sea before a pleasant breeze to the English shore,which he reached next morning.
4.The Prince stayed behind with a number of gay companions,to dance and feast on deck.Very foolishly,they gave the sailors three casks of wine,which made the men reckless.At last,when the moon rose and lit up the sea,the ropes of the White Ship were let go,and she darted away from the shore with her load of three hundred lives.Captain Fitz-Stephen stood at the rudder,steering;and the fifty rowers,aided by the swelling sails above,made the vesselleap along the waves in the moonlight like some swift white bird.The Prince and his friends cheered on the oarsmen,who pulled with all their might.
5.In the midst of the excitement a dreadful crash was heard,and a shock was felt which shook every timber of the ship.Rowing without caution through a rocky channel,they had run the ship on one of those sharp teeth that lurk below the surface,and had driven in some of her planks.When those on board saw the water come rushing in through the hole,they sent up a piteous cry of despair,so bitter and so keen that it was heard like a faint wail by those who had sailed hours before and were now far out at sea.
6.Fitz-Stephen put the Prince and a few others in the only boat he had,and bade them row ashore.But the boat was scarcely turned,when William heard the screams of his half-sister Marie,who had been left behind;and at once he desired that an effort should be made to rescue her.The boat went back to the wreck.That was a fatal step;for as it neared the sinking ship,almost every one on board made a rush into it,and it upset,casting all-Prince,sister,and companions-into the deep sea.
7.Two men,a young nobleman and a poor butcher,got hold of a floatingspar and were clinging there,when the captain swam over to ask if they had seen the Prince.No sooner did Fitz-Stephen hear that none of the royal party had been seen above water after the swamping of the boat,than he gave a cry,and sank to rise no more.The hands of the nobleman grew so powerless with cold that he let go and sank,after holding on for some hours.
8.Of all the gallant company and crew that had feasted on the deck so merrily the previous night,there was now alive only one-the butcher,who was saved by the warmth of his shaggy sheepskin coat.A fishing-boat picked him up next day,and he told the dreadful tale.
9.For three days the King wondered where the Prince had gone,for no one at the court had courage to tell him of the wreck.At last a little page,crying bitterly,fell at his feet and told what had happened.The news struck him down like a shot;and although he recovered from the swoon,he rose an altered man,and was never seen to smile again.
azure main,blue sea.
areering,coursing;running swiftly.
foaming surge,boiling waves.
hallowed,sacred.impelled,drove onward.impetuous,furiously.
insatiate,greedy;that cannot be satisfied.
maniac,madman.martyr,one sacrificed.pastimes,games.
strained,exerted to the utmost.
1.Light sped a bark from Gallia’s Across the azure main;And on her deck a joyous band,A proud and courtly train,bstrandSurrounded Albion‘s
princely heir,
Who toward his realm returned;And music’s cheering strain was there,And hearts with pleasure burned.