
第32章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(32)

2.It was a fair and glorious sight That gallant bark to see,With floating streamers,glittering bright In pomp of chivalry;The smooth sea blessed her as she flew,The gentle gale impelled,As if each crested billow knew What wealth her bosom held.

a Gallia.-Gaul;the Latin name of France.

b Albion.-England;so called,it is said,on account of the white cliffs of the south coast;from Latin albus,white.

3.But strangely o‘er the summer sky A sable cloud arose;And hollow winds,careering high,Rushed on like armed foes.

Loud thunders roll,wild tempests rave,Red lightnings cleave the sky-What is yon wreck amid the wave?

And whence that fearful cry?

4.See!see!amid the foaming surge There seems a speck to float;And,with such speed as oars can urge,Toils on the labouring boat.

The Prince is safe;but to his ear There came a distant shriek,Which to his strained eye brought the tear,And paleness to his cheek.

5.That voice!’twas by his cradle side,When with sweet dream he slept;-It ruled his wrath,it soothed his pride,When moody boyhood wept:‘Twas with him in his hour of glee,Gay sports,and pastimes rare;And at his sainted mother’s knee,Amid the evening prayer.

6.Plunging,he dared the breakers hoarse-None might the deed restrain-And battled with a maniac‘s force The madness of the main.

He snatched his sister from the wreck:Faint was her accent dear,Yet strong her white arms ’twined his neck-“Blest William!art thou here?”

7.The wild waves swell like mountains on,The blasts impetuous sweep;-Where is the heir of England‘s throne?

Go,ask the insatiate deep!He sleeps in Ocean’s coral grove,Pale pearls his bed adorn,A martyr to that hallowed love Which with his life was born.

8.Woe was in England‘s halls that day,Woe in her royal towers,While low her haughty monarch lay,To wail his smitten flowers:

And,though protracted years bestow Bright honour’s envied store,Yet on that crowned and lofty brow The smile sat never more.




2.从小舟望去,波澜壮阔,晴空万里,舟中飘飞的彩带,闪耀着独有的尊荣与魅力,浩瀚的大海神佑般眷顾着小舟,温柔的海风充当着强大的动力,a 阿尔比恩:即英格兰,原词Albion来源于拉丁语Albus,意为“白色”,据说是因为英格兰南岸是白色的悬崖峭壁。











a H.L.西格尼:即Lydia Huntley Sigourney(1791~1865),19世纪美国著名女诗人。--译者注40STEPHEN斯蒂文

1135to 1154A.D.-19years(公元1135~1154年,在位19年)barons,nobles;chief men.

dungeon,prison.estates,own land.gained,won.

1.Although Stephen,Earl of



in his favour,on his side.permission,leave.skilful,clever.


had sworn to support

Maud,he yet claimed the crown;and many of the nobles and clergy were in his favour,as they did not like to be governed by a woman.He promised that they should be allowed to build castles on their estates,and to hunt in their own forests.By such promises he gained over a great party,and was crowned.


2.But David,King of Scotland,who was the uncle of Maud,invaded England,laid waste Northumberland,and entered Yorkshire.Here he was metbby Stephen‘s barons,and a great battle was fought at Northallerton,in whichthe Scots were defeated.This was called the Battle of the Standard,because the English carried into the field a large cross hung with banners.

3.For some time after this the country was a scene of bloodshed.At last Stephen was defeated at Lincoln,taken prisoner,and cast into a dungeon in Bristol Castle.

a Blois.-In France;35miles south-west of Orleans.

b Northallerton.-Twenty-eight miles north-east of York.

4.Maud then became Queen;but her haughty spirit displeased the nation,and so great was the power raised against her that she had to flee.Her half-brother and chief supporter,Robert,Earl of Gloucester,was taken prisoner.He was exchanged for Stephen,who once more sat on the throne.

5.The following winter,Maud was besieged at Oxford.The ground being covered with snow,she dressed herself in white,that she might not be seen,crossed the Thames on the ice,and soon after escaped to Normandy.

6.Maud had a son named Henry,now almost grown up.By-and-by he invaded England to claim the throne.But Stephen agreed that at his death Henry should have the crown;and so the quarrel ended.Henry had not to wait long,for Stephen died in 1154,after a reign of nineteen years.

7.Stephen was brave,kind-hearted,and active;but he was not skilful or wise as a ruler.By his permission,one hundred and twenty-six castles were built in different parts of England,and the barons became very powerful.




a 布洛瓦:地处法国,位于奥尔良西南35英里。

b 诺思阿勒尔顿:位于约克郡东北28英里。

