
第35章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(35)

4.与封建制度紧密交织在一起的便是骑士制度,或者说骑士精神。作为一名骑士,上至国王,下至贫穷的绅士没有地位的差别,都必须通过同样的训练--首先当一名侍者服务于他人,然后再努力成为一名绅士,通过考核以后,才能获得象征骑士身份的金马刺,并起誓成为骑士。授勋仪式的前一天晚上,候选者将通宵守a 博斯沃思战场:著名的玫瑰战争就发生于此,此战是兰开斯特王朝(House of Lancaster)和约克王朝(House of York)的支持者之间为了争夺英格兰王位的战争。两个家族都属于英国金雀花王室(Plantagenet)国王爱德华三世的后裔。玫瑰战争不是当时所用的名字,它来源于两个皇族所选的家徽,即兰开斯特的红玫瑰和约克的白玫瑰。具体内容见后文相应章节。--译者注b 封地:原词Feud或Feod,而“封建”一词为Feudal,可见其渊源。--译者注c 地主:世袭土地资产保有者,即自己有土地,并且可以一代一代传给继承人的人。

d 佃农:这些人能否拥有土地全靠他们主人的意愿。原词(Villein)很可能表示乡村(Village)里面的村民,这些人最早都居住在大地主的城堡附近。






a 盾徽:即盾形徽章,从骑士时代产生后,流行于整个欧洲,并沿用至今,常用来作为某个家族或者组织的标志性徽章,后来有的成为国徽和皇家徽章。--译者注43NORMAN LIFE AND CUSTOMS诺曼时代的生活与风俗




foreign,from abroad.gallant,gay man;fop.introduced,brought in.novelties,new fashions.

reaction,an opposite tendency or current.


1.The castles of the Normans were built not for home-comfort,but for safety.The feature by which they are known is the rounded arch,as opposed to the pointed arch and lancet-shaped window of the later Gothic style.Encircled by the parapet and turrets of a wall about twelve feet high,stood the keep.This was a square tower of five stories,with walls ten feet thick.Round the whole castle ran a moat,or deep ditch,over which was thrown a drawbridge,defended at its outer end by a tower,called the Barbican.

2.In their manner of life the Normans were more temperate and delicate than the Saxons.They had only two regular meals:dinner,taken by the higher classes at nine in the morning;and supper at four or five in the afternoon.The Normans introduced the general use of the chief flesh meats found on our tables;-a change which is curiously seen in our language,where we find thewords denoting the living animal-ox,sheep,calf,pig-to be English;whilethe words applied to the flesh used as food-beef,mutton,veal,pork-are Norman or French in their origin.

3.The higher classes of Normans drank foreign wines,and closed their revelry with a draught called the grace-cup.The lower classes cheered their hearts with home-brewed ale.The sleeping rooms of the great contained rude wooden bedsteads with coarse coverlets;but the mass of the people were obliged to content themselves with straw and sheepskins.

4.In dress,as in food,the Normans introduced many novelties.The gallant of this time,closely shaven,with long hair covering the shoulders,wore a loosedoublet reaching half way down the leg,and girt with a fine belt.Over this was a short cloak,richly furred and laced with gold.The shoes were the strangest article of dress.They had very long toes,pointed and twisted like the horns of a ram;and the fashion grew so absurdly,that the toes were fastened with chains of gold or silver to the knees.A bonnet of velvet,and long hose fastened to the doublet by very many strings,called points,completed the costume.

5.The Norman ladies wore a kirtle or under-gown of silk,over which hung a loose wide-sleeved robe reaching the ground.The clergy,who were known by wearing heavy gold signet-rings,often vied with the gallants of the day in the splendour and fashion of their dress.

6.Ever since the Conquest,a struggle for the upper hand had been going on between the Saxon and Norman languages.About the time of Magna Carta a reaction began,which ended in the triumph of the former tongue.Three-fifths of our Modern English may be traced to Old English.

7.Surnames were brought into general use by the Normans.They were derived from various sources,of which the most fruitful were personal qualities,as Armstrong,Whitehead,Swift;and occupations or trades,as Smith,Falconer,Taylor,Miller.Many were formed from Christian names by adding the Danish son,as Wilson;the Saxon ing,as Clavering;the Celtic Mac or O,as Macdonald,O’Connell;or the Norman Fitz,as Fitzgerald.






