
第34章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(34)


a 安茹:位于今法国西部卢瓦尔河下游,大致对应于法国现在的曼恩-卢瓦尔省。--译者注b 加洛韦山区:位于苏格兰西南部,包含威格敦和柯尔库布里两个地区。




a 奥尔本:原词Alben,与Albyn和Alpin一样,都是高原地区对苏格兰的称呼,也与Albion同义(见39节注释),即当时对整个不列颠岛的称呼。其含义均表示“白色的岛”,可能是起源于高卢人的叫法,因为他们从南边渡海而来,首先映入眼帘的便是那里的白垩岩山崖。






ceremony,observance;religious form.combatants,fighters;opponents.developed,unfolded;worked out.equipped,dressed.

favourite,best liked.


summoned,called together.


1.The Normans brought with them into England (1066)the Feudal System,which continued to hold great power over English society until after the last Norman King fell on Bosworth field (1485).It is true that there were some traces of a similar plan among the Angles and the Saxons;but the system was fully developed on the Continent,and chiefly among the Normans.

2.It derived its name from feod,or feud,a piece of land;and its leading feature was,that all land was under military tenure,-an expression which means that a tenant,instead of paying his whole rent in corn,or cattle,or money,gave only a small portion of these,and for the rest was obliged to fight under his lord’s banner,without any pay,when called to arms.

3.The King owned all land:he allotted large districts to the nobles;they subdivided these among the gentry (the English thanes,called by the Normans franklinsa );these,again,sublet their land to their vassals-in every case the higher requiring from the lower service in war.When the King needed an army,he summoned his barons;they called to arms their franklins;these,their vassals and retainers;and thus a large force was gathered round the royal standard.Thelowest classes of society under the Normans were the villeinsb and the serfs.

4.Closely interwoven with the Feudal System was Chivalry or knighthood.As a knight,the King was on a level with the poorest gentleman,and had toa Franklins.-Freeholders;men who held their land for themselves and their heirs for ever.

b Villeins.-Those who held lands at the will of their lord.The word most probably means dwellers invillages,which at first sprang up near the castles of the great lords.

pass through the same training-serving first as a page,and then as an esquire,before he received his golden spurs and took the vows of knighthood.The night before the ceremony,the candidate for knightly honours held his vigil,when,within some dark aisle,amid the tombs of the fallen brave,he kept a lonely and silent watch over the arms he was about to assume.

5.The Knight,when fully equipped,was clad from head to heel in armour,formed of steel plates riveted firmly together;below this he wore a dress of soft leather.On his helmet was a crest;on his three-pointed shield adevice-the origin of our coat-of-arms.His chief weapon was the lance;but besides he wore a two-handed sword,and a poniard called “the daggerof mercy,”used to kill a fallenfoe;and he often carried a battle-axe or mace.


6.The chief sport of chivalry was the Tournament,or joust.It was held within an enclosed space called “the lists.”Ladies and nobles sat round inraised galleries,while the lower orders thronged outside the barriers to witness the sport.At each end of the lists tents were pitched for the rival knights.At sound of trumpet the combatants dashed at full gallop from opposite sides,and met in the centrewith a terrible shock.If the knights were equally matched,the lances flew into splinters,and the horses were thrown back on their haunches;but if one struck with stronger and surer aim,whether the helmet or the shield of his rival,the unlucky knight was hurled from the saddle to the ground,stunned,bleeding,and bruised by hisTHE TOURNAMENT.

heavy armour.

7.After the tilting,the lower classes held sports,the favourite being archery,bull-baiting,and playing at quarter-staff.The last-named was a kind of cudgel-playing;the staff was a pole about six feet long,which the combatants grasped in the middle-striking,parrying,and thrusting with both ends.Very similar to the tournament was the trial by combat;which,like the ordeal of the English,was the Norman appeal to the justice of Heaven.

8.The public business of the realm was transacted by the Curia Regis (the King‘s Court),which at the Conquest took the place of the Witena-gemot.



