2.The Pope then uttered the terrible sentence of Interdict,which deprivedthe land of all religious services,and caused the churches to be hung with black and strewn with ashes.Quite pitiless with regard to the people he ruled,John set about extorting money from them to carry on his wars-wars in which he lost a great portion of the territory left by his father.
3.His cunning cruelty may be judged of from the plan which he took to make a Jew of Bristol pay ransom.Having thrown him into a dungeon,he sent a man with a pair of pincers every morning to pull out one of the poor wretch‘s teeth.The Jew bore this for eight days,but,when the ninth tooth was about to be wrenched from his aching and swollen jaw,he agreed to pay the money demanded by the King.
4.When John saw that the Pope was going to give away his kingdom toa Archbishop of Canterbury.-The chief bishop of England.
b Interdict.-An order of the Pope by which the clergy are forbidden to perform,and laymen are forbidden to attend,divine service of any kind.
Philip of France,he yielded ever ything to Pandulf,theaPapal legate.
He gave up his
crown to him and received it again from his hands;and he took an oath that he would hold England and Ireland from the Pope,and that he would pay him a yearly tribute.
5.The barons of England,enra ged by John’s want of spirit,and encouraged by hisKING JOHN CROWNED BY P‘ANDULF.
cowardice,met together several times in order to consult how they might wring from him a Charter,which should place their liberties as Englishmen beyond the power of any King.The Archbishop of Canterbury having drawn up a deed,it was carried by some of these stern steel-clad warriors into the presence of John,who grew as pale as death when he saw them.
6.He promised to give them an answer at Easter;but,when Easter came,he cursed and swore,and said that they might as well ask for his crown.The barons then did what they had resolved to do if he refused their demands.They drew their swords and seized London.This brought John to his senses,and a time was then arranged for signing the Great Charter.
7.One day in June,1215,there was a great meeting of barons and courtiersbin a green spot by the Thames,which bears the name of Runnymede.
barons,glittering in steel and gold,came riding on their chargers from the town of Staines.John,with a false smile on his face,and a train of attendants behind him,came out of Windsor to the place of meeting.Many of the barons came to the field that morning prepared to shed blood if necessary;but the King was as smooth and soft as the satin of his royal tunic.
8.Taking the pen with scarcely a question,he wrote his name at the footcof the deed called Magna Carta,which secured to Englishmen the full
enjoyment of their freedom.And then,with smiles and gracious words to the armed men,he galloped away to the castle from which he had come.Scarcely able to believe that they had got the royal signature with so little trouble,they talked a while and then dispersed.
a Papal legate.-The ambassador or messenger of the Pope.
b Runnymede.-Near Staines,on the Thames,17miles from London.
c Magna Carta.-The Latin for “The Great Charter.”
9.Before the last man had left the meadow,henceforward to bear a name so famous in our history,John was rolling on the floor at Windsor,chewing sticks and straw like a madman,and cursing his weak folly for having put his name to such a document.He almost immediately began to treat his people even worse than before.
a 坎特伯雷大主教:全英格兰最高级别的教首。
a 兰尼米德:靠近斯坦斯,位于泰晤士河畔,离伦敦17英里。
constrained,forced.coursing,flowing rapidly.embowering,shading.exulting,joyous.
sceptred,carrying a sceptre;royal.
translucent,clear.trembling,shaking.vengeful,seeking revenge.volcano,burning mountain.whelm,overwhelm;destroy.wreathed,curled.
1.There stands at Runnymede a king,while summer clothes the plains,The blood of high Plantagenet is coursing through his veins;But yet a sceptred hand he lifts to shade his haggard brow,As if constrained to do a deed his pride would disallow.
2He pauses still.-His faint eye rests upon those barons bold,Whose hands are grappling to their swords with fierce and sudden hold.That pause is broke;-he bows him down before those steel-girt men,And glorious Magna Carta glows beneath his trembling pen.