
第43章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(43)

3.His false lip to a smile is wreathed,as their exulting shout,From ’neath the green,embowering trees,upon the gale swells out;Yet lingers long his cowering glance on Thames‘translucent tide,As if some deep and bitter thought he from the throng would hide.

4.I know what sounds are in his ear,when wrathful tempests roll,When God doth bid his lightnings search,his thunders try the soul:


Above the blast young Arthur’s

shriek doth make the murderer quake,


As if again his guiltless blood from Rouen‘sprison spake.

a Young Arthur.-John’s nephew,son of his elder brother Geoffrey,and therefore the rightful heir to the crown.John is said to have murdered him with his own hand at Rouen.There is no doubt that he caused his death.

b Rouen (Roo-and).-A town of France,68miles north-west of Paris.

5.But though no red volcano burst to whelm the men of crime,No vengeful earthquake fiercely yawn to gorge them ere their time,Though Earth for her most guilty sons the festive board doth set,The wine-cup and the opiate draught,-yet say,can Heaven forget?








a 年幼的亚瑟:约翰的侄子,即他的兄长杰弗里的儿子,因此是最合法的王位继承人。据说约翰在鲁昂亲手杀了他,但无论如何,亚瑟因他而死毋庸置疑。

b 鲁昂:法国的一个城镇,地处巴黎西北68英里。




1216to 1272A.D.-56years(公元1216~1272年,在位56年)ease,comfort;pleasure.favouring,supporting.forces,soldiers.

protector,guardian of the king and the realm.

prudent,cautious;very careful.reform,amend;make better.regain,win back.


1.Henry the Third,eldest son of John,was only nine years old when he came to the throne;and the Earl of Pembroke,a wise and prudent man,was made Protector.

2.Louis of Franc e,however,who had invaded the southern counties,was not willing to return home without making a struggle for the English crown;but the barons who had invited him had now changed their minds,and instead of favouring his plans,they raised theirforces to oppose him.


3.He was completely defeated at Lincoln.His fleet was also destroyed off the coast of Kent,the sailors having been blinded by quicklime which the English threw in their faces,Louis was there-fore compelled to return to France.Henry afterwards invaded France,to regain those provinces which his father had lost;but through his cowardice and weakness he entirely failed.

4.The King at length lost the favour of his subjects,by his bad government and by showing favour to foreigners.A Parliament which met at Oxford drew up the Provisions of Oxford,-rules intended to reform the government.

The King refused to abide by them,and then a great rebellion was raised,headed by Simon de Montfort,Earlaof Leicester.A battle was fought at Lewes,King was defeated and taken prisoner.

and the

5.Prince Edward,however,gave himself up,that his father might be set free.Montfort then called together a Parliament in the King‘s name.This consisted,not of nobles only,as before,but also of members from towns,chosen by the people.This was the beginning of the House of Commons.

6.Edward soon found means to escape from prison.Being allowed to ride out with his guards,he one day set them to ride races with one another,until all their horses were tired;then putting spurs to his own,which he had kept fresh,he soon left them far behind!


7.He quickly collected a large army,marched to meet Montfort,and fought thebBattle of Evesham.

Montfort,fearing lest he should lose the battle,basely placedthe King in front,that he might be slain.Henry,however,saved himself by callingout,“I am Henry of Winchester,your King!”Edward knew his father’s voice,and hastened to his help.In this battle Montfort was killed,and his body was almost tornin pieces.

8.Young Edward afterwards went to the Crusades,taking with him his wife Eleanor.She is said to have saved his life by sucking the venom from a wound he had received from a poisoned dagger.During his absence his father died.Henr y the Third reigned longer than any otherPRINCE EDWARD RESCUES HIS FATHER.

English monarch,before or since,

except George the Third.He was a weak ruler,easily led by favourites;and he loved his own ease more than the good of his subjects.

a Lewes.-About 9miles north-east of Brighton.The King was imprisoned in Lewes Castle.

b Evesham.-On the Avon,in Worcestershire;15miles south-east of Worcester.








