c 上议院:议员包括王室后裔、世袭及终身贵族、上诉法院法官和教会各级主教,曾是英国宪政体制中履行立法权和部分司法权的权力机构。--译者注d 下议院:是一个通过民主选举产生的机构,共有650名成员,称为国会议员。每位议员都是由一个选区的选民选出,当选后在议会代表该选区。下议院的权力曾远逊于上议院,但如今下议院却在两院中占上了主导地位。其立法权力能够超越上议院,英国政府亦需要向下议院负责,首相如果失去了下院的支持,就要下野。--译者注7.执政期间,莱斯特以国王的名义签署法令;不仅从每一郡县召集两名骑士做议事代表,即我们所称的“乡绅”,而且还从每座城市或自治区县召集两名市民,作为议事议员。他的目的很明确,即他认为这些有良好教育背景的普通人,包括商人、店主、贸易从事者等等,也应该在国会中拥有一席之地。
a 肯尼沃斯:位于沃里克郡,地处沃里克城北部4.5英里。
1272to 1307A.D.-35years(公元1272~1307年,在位35年)banished,driven out.defled,stood out against.enacted,made law.
foresight,the habit of looking forward.
request,expressed wish.resolved,made up his mind.statesman,ruler;leader.subdue,conquer.
1.Edward the First,eldest son of Henry the Third,was a wise and able King.He began his reign by restoring order in the kingdom,and making many just laws.He then led an army into Wales,as the Welsh had been very troublesome.
He gained a great victory over them,in which their prince,Llewelyn,was slain.
2.The Welsh,however,were not easily conquered.For a long time they held out among theiramountains,and would not have
Edward for their King.But at
last Edward had a son born at Caernarvon
Castle,which he had just built,and
him they promised to obey as King.Ever since that time the eldest son of the English Sovereign has been called Prince of Wales.
3.Edward then turned to Scotland,which he resolved to subdue.He was at first successful,and he carried off to England the ancient stone on which the Kings of Scotland were crowned,and which now forms part of the English coronation chair.But Sir William Wallace gained a great victory over thea Their mountains.-Wales is a very mountainous country.
b Caernarvon.-In the north-west of Wales,on the Menai Strait.
English near Stirling,and for several years defied the armies of Edward.A few years afterwards,Robert the Bruce drove the English forces out of his country,and was crowned King.
4.This so enraged the warlike Edward that he set out for Scotland with a large army,declaring thathe would not return until he had subdued it;but before he reached Scotland he fellill and died.His last request was that his bones,separated from the rest of his body,should be carried before the army,and should not be buried until Scotland should be conquered.
5.Edward was high-spirited and brave,
and had great strength of will.He had the foresight of a statesman;but he was reckless in working out his plans.
6.Important Events.-During this reign it was enacted that no tax should be raised by the King without the consent of Parliament.The Jews,who had already suffered many cruelties,were banished from the kingdom.
2.但是威尔士人可不会这么容易乖乖就范。长期以来,他们恃地利之便占据山岭a,拒不承认爱德华是他们的国王。后来爱德华的儿子在他新修不久的卡那封城b 堡里降世,威尔士人这才同意承认这个小孩子可以作为他们未来的国王。因此从那时起,这位英王长子就被叫做“威尔士王子”。
4.这可将英勇好战的爱德华激怒了,他立即率领大军攻打苏格兰。并且放话在a 占据山岭:威尔士乃多山之地。
b 卡那封城:位于威尔土西北部,在门奈海峡旁。
arranged,planned.assailed,attacked.assume,take;put on.bravery,courage.committed,made.completed,finished.dispute,quarrel.invaded,marched into.mistake,error.
nicknamed,named in scorn.opportunity,chance.passionately,angrily.relaxed,slackened.
resist,withstand.resolve,purpose.revolted,rebelled.stupifled,made stupid.wrangle,quarrel.
1.When Edward came home from the Crusade,to be King of England,he formed the resolve of conquering the whole island of Britain.He began with Wales.
The King of Wales,Llewelyn by name,was a prince of great bravery;and the hugeacone of Snowdonwas the great central stronghold of the mountaineers.
2.Edward first tried the plan of surrounding and starving the Welsh bands;but as soon as he relaxed the lines enclosing them,they broke into war again.He then saw that he must storm their stronghold,and that this could not be done with knights in armour or pikemen in mail.He therefore got a number of men from the Pyrenees,called Basques-light,active,wiry mountaineers,used to scrambling up precipices,and possessed of steady heads and sure feet;and with these he assailed the forests and rocks of Snowdon so successfully,that he drove Llewelyn from their shelter,towards the Wye.
3.There the prince was attacked by some English soldiers,who came on him so suddenly that he had not time to put on his armour;and a lance-wound in the side closed his daring career.His death may be said to have completed the Conquest of Wales.