4.Edward‘s schemes against the freedom of Scotland required more time and toil,and yet did not succeed after all.It so happened that there was a disputea Snowdon.-The highest mountain in Wales and in South Britain.It is 10miles south-east of Caernarvon.
b The Wye.-A west-bank feeder of the Severn;with beautiful scenery.
about a successor to the Scottish crown;and Edward,bringing up an old claim,interfered,as if he had been Lord Paramount of the northern kingdom.
5.He put on the throne a weakling called Baliol,whom the peopleanicknamed Tocm Tabard;and then he called this man so often into England toaccount for the government of the kingdom,that even the poor spirit of Baliol revolted,and he began a war.This was just what the English King wanted.He went northward,plucked the crown from Baliol’s head,and marched with a victorious army to the Moray Firth.
6.Then rose up one of the two great heroes of Scottish history-Sir William Wallace of Ellerslie.Gathering an army,he assaulted and took a great number of towns.By the Forth at Stirling he completely overthrew an English army under the command of Surrey,whom Edward had left behind as Governor of Scotland.
7.There was a narrow wooden bridge across the Forth at the place where the two armies came in sight of each other,on opposite banks of that broad stream.Surrey committed the fatal mistake of allowing his men to straggle across this slight structure in the face of a force inferior certainly in numbers,but waiting in firm array for an opportunity to attack his men.
8.Wallace waited quietly until the thin threads of men that had crossed and were mingled in confusion amounted to about half the hostile force,and then he charged down hill with the certainty of victory.
9.When Edward,who was across the sea,heard of the defeat which his troops had suffered at Stirling,he resolved to crush Wallace with a mighty blow.He therefore collected a great army and invaded Scotland.There was scarcely a blade of grass to be seen;for Wallace had laid waste all the southern counties,in the hope of starving his enemy out of the land.
10.Edward nevertheless advanced to a place near Edinburgh,and there wasbtold by two Scottish traitors that the force of Wallace lay in Falkirkwood.Hecmoved at once towards the spot;and after a night spent on LinlithgowMoor,during which a kick from his horse broke two of his ribs,at sunrise he came in view of the Scottish army,which had assumed the form of four solid circles.The battle went on,until the English archers broke so many gaps in these round masses,that they could not resist the violent charge of the heavy English cavalry.
a Toom Tabard.-That is,“empty coat.”A tabard is the loose tunic worn by heralds,and covered with devices.
b Falkirk.-In Stirlingshire,24miles north-west of Edinburgh.
c Linlithgow.-161miles west of Edinburgh.
11.Wallace was beaten;and not many years afterwards,he was betrayed intoathe hands of his enemies.Dragged on a hurdle to Smithfield,and his body was cut in quarters.
he was hanged,
12.Then Robert the Bruce stretched out his hand towards the Scottish crown.He began his movement by a murder,which was very near costing him the success of his whole plan.Having arranged a meeting,in a churchbat Dumfries,with Comyn,a man who was his rival in seeking the Scottishcrown,Bruce went there with a dagger hanging by his side as usual.
13.After kissing each other,they began to talk over the affairs of the kingdom,walking,as they talked,towards the high altar.But the kiss was forgotten,while they continued to wrangle together;and,when Bruce charged Comyn with having betrayed him to King Edward,the accused man shouted passionately,“It is a lie.”Bruce,fired with sudden rage,drew his dagger and plunged it into the breast of Comyn,who fell bleeding and groaning on the steps of the altar.
14.Alarmed for an instant by what he had done in a burst of anger,Bruce stood stupified,but then ran hastily out to his friends,crying,“I doubt I have killed Comyn.”One of his attendant knights,Sir Roger Kirkpatrick,heard theccry,and shouting,“You doubt?I mak siccar,”
man until death was certain.
ran in and stabbed the wounded
15.In spite of this crime,Robert the Bruce was allowed to assume the crown of Scotland.When Edward,now weak with age,heard the news,he broke into fury,and called for his horse and an army.Ill or well,he was resolved to invade Scotland and tear the crown from the head of Bruce.But God had willed otherwise.Edward merely reached the English shore of the Solway Firth,from which the blue hills of Scotland could be seen across a narrow sea,and there he died,after having made his son swear a solemn oath to cause his bones to be carried into Scotland at the head of the English army.
a Smithfield.-Now in the heart of London,but formerly a favourite park of the citizens,outside the city wall.Great cattle markets were held there till 1855.In olden times it was a place of execution.There Wallace was executed in 1305,and there in the reign of Mary many persons were burned to death.
b Dumfries.-The principal town in the south of Scotland.
c Mak siccar.-Make sure.
d 斯诺登山:威尔士全境乃至整个南部不列颠的最高山,地处卡那封郡东南10英里。