
第61章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(61)

7.In the very first battle,at St.Albans,the Lancastrians were defeated,andthe King was made prisoner.He was,however,soon set free,and a peace was patched up.Four years later,the war was renewed;and Henry was again made captive.

8.York then laid claim to the throne.The question was debated in Parliament;and it was arranged that Henry should reign till his death,and that the crown should then pass to York and his heirs.

9.Queen Margaret,who had more spirit than her husband,was very angry at this shutting out of her son from the throne.Having called the Lancastriandlords to her side,she routed the Yorkists at Wakefield Green.

The Duke of

York was slain;and his head,adorned with a paper crown,was stuck on the wall of York city.

10.This loss roused the Yorkists to greater efforts.Edward,the son and heireof the fallen Duke,laid claim to the crown.At Mortimer‘s CrossRoyalist troops before him.

he swept the

He then marched to London,and was declared King,with the title of Edward the Fourth.

11.Henry was put off the throne after a reign of thirty-nine years,and Edward was declared to be the lawful King.Henry was weak-minded and cowardly,and was wholly unfit for the kingly office.With him ended the House of Lancaster.

12.In this reign a riot was raised in Kent by one Jack Cade,who,pretending that he was heir to the crown,defeated the royal army and took possession ofa Beaufort.-Pronounced Bo’-fort.

b Rightful heir.-He was descended,through his mother,from the third son of Edward the Third,while Henry was descended from the fourth son.

c St.Albans.-In Hertfordshire;19miles north-west of London.

d Wakefield -In Yorkshire;26miles south-west of York.

e Mortimer‘s Cross -In the north of Herefordshire.A partial victory gained by Margaret at St.Albans,a few days later,did not save London.

London.He,however,was defeated in turn,and was killed by a gentleman,in whose garden he had hidden himself.









a 奥尔良:位于卢瓦尔河畔,地处巴黎西南60英里。

b 琼·阿尔克:也就后来彪炳史册的法国女英雄“圣女贞德”。--译者注c 最合适的王储:理查德由其母亲获得皇族血统,可追溯至亨利三世的第三子,而此时的亨利六世则只可追溯至亨利三世的第四子。

d 圣阿尔本兹:位于赫特福德郡,地处伦敦西北19英里。






a 韦克菲尔德:位于约克郡,地处约克城西南26英里。

b 莫提梅路口:位于赫里福德郡北部。当年玛格丽特在圣阿尔本兹胜之不武,几年后伦敦失陷。




abandoned,gave up.


besieged,hemmed in with soldiers.commission,order;authority.consecrated,set apart for a holy office.convinced,made sure;satisfied.declaration,statement.

deliver,set free.


fervent,earnest.furious,fierce.inpostor,cheat.inscribed,written over.

intrusted,given in charge.

martyrs,those who die for their religion.


1.The city of Orleans,standing chiefly on the northern bank of the Loire,was closely besieged by an English army,and was in danger of being taken,when one day a peasant girl appeared before the Governor of a distant town,and said that she had been sent to him by God.She was a pretty girl of seventeen,with black hair and deepset earnest eyes.Brought up in a simple way in heranative village of Domremy,the little shepherdess had been used to spend longsummer days on the hills,dreaming of saints and martyrs,of whom wonderful stories were common.

2.When she grew up,her piety became still more fervent;and oftener thanbonce she heard strange voices,which commanded her to go to the Dauphin’said.Then she beheld a vision of two saints with gleaming wings and jewelled crowns,who stood in the midst of a cloud of light and spoke words sweeter than any earthly music.While carried away by such day-dreams,her spirit was rudely stirred by the violence of some soldiers,who entered the glen and burned the parish church.Loudly then the voices began to call on her to rise and deliver her country.

3.The Governor,to whom she went at first,considered her either a madwoman or a witch.But the towns-people,convinced that she was sincere,a Domremy.-A village 170miles east of Paris.

b Danphin.-The title of the eldest son of the French King,as Prince of Wales is of the heir to the English throne.

were strong and earnest in her cause.At last it was arranged that she should go to the Dauphin and make known to him her mission.