1.The chief event of Henry’s French war was the Battle of Agincourt.Sailing across from Southampton to the mouth of the Seine,he laid siege to the town of Harfleur,which he forced to surrender after a siege of forty days.He then marched along the sea-side towards Calais,following the route which Edward the Third had taken on his way to Crecy.He hoped to cross the river Somme at the White Spot,-where Edward had crossed it;but he found that impossible,owing to the number of French soldiers at the place.
2.Then,marching quickly up the bank of the stream,he found a ford,and went across,having first made all his archers cut thick stakes of wood,six feet long,and sharpened to a point at each end.An enormous army of Frenchmen had gathered to the battle around the village of Agincourt.There Henry came up with them,and encamped within sight of his enemies.Through along,wet October night,the foes sat by their fires,waiting for the dawn which was to decide the issue of the fight.
3.Henry,who rode a gray horse,and wore a crown of gold over his steel helmet,formed his archers into a body like a wedge,and ordered them to plant the stakes which they had cut in a slanting direction,so that the charging horsemen of the enemy might run on the points.
4.In disposing of his little force,Henry adopted the plan of Bruce at Bannockbourn.He placed his men so that the French could not attack them with a broad front,the wings of which might curve round and encircle his little band.Knowing the value of stratagems,he arranged that a party of archers should lie in ambush in a field behind the French,and that another band in the same quarter of the field should set a village on fire.
5.About twelve o‘clock the English King cried out,“Banners advance;”
and the general of the archers
gave the signal by throwing his baton in thebair.Then the shooting began.While the arrows were emptying saddlesin great numbers,nearly all the French horsemen,who wore suits of heavy armour,stuck deep in the wet soil of a ploughed field,and afforded to the archers,who ran in among them with axe and bill-hook,an easy prey.A scene of terrible confusion ensued.The French made every effort to re-form their ranks,but without success;and in three hours the English had won a complete victory.
5.大约到了中午12点,英王亨利大喊一声“举旗前进”;这时弓箭手c头领向空a The archers.-The English archers had been posted in a field,out of sight of the enemy.They sent ashower of arrows into the midst of the French horsemen,which threw them into confusion.
b Emptying saddles.-By killing those who satin them.
c 弓箭手:英军弓箭手埋伏在战场上法军看不见的地方,他们朝法军骑兵部队中间发起猛攻,一时箭如雨下,令敌人立马阵脚大乱。
a 马鞍上没人:意指骑在上面的人被英军射下马来。
1422to 1461A.D.-39years(公元1422~1461年,在位39年)affairs,business.
debated,talked over.
great rival,claimant for the throne.
mission,work to save her country.
progress,advance.renewed,begun again.routed,entirely defeated.rustic,country.
1.Henry the Sixth,son of the late King,was but an infant when his father died.A council of twenty,headed by the Duke of Gloucester,an uncle of the King,managed the affairs of the nation.The Duke of Bedford,another uncle of the King,went to France as English Regent.There fresh conquests were madeaby the English forces.Siege was then laid to Orleans;and it was thought thatit too would fall into their hands.But suddenly a change came,by which almost all that had been gained was lost.
2.In a certain village of France there lived a rustic girl,named Joan of Arc,who thought that Heaven had raised her up to save her country from the English armies.This was told to the French King,who,being much alarmed at the success of the English,was willing to do anything to check their progress.
3.He therefore put Joan at the head of some troops;and the soldiers,quite believing in her mission,fought under her command with the greatest bravery.She entered Orleans,drove the English from before the walls;defeated them in several battles,and won back for the French King the provinces he had lost.By these successes she gained the name of “The Maid of Orleans.”
4.Two years later Joan of Arc was taken prisoner by the English,and was by them burned at Rouen,it is said,as a witch.But,from the time that she appeared,the power of the English in France had gradually gone down;and in 1451they had lost all their French possessions except Calais.Thus all the blood.shed in the former reign for the conquest of France had been shed in vain.
a Orleans.-A town on the river Loire,60miles south-west of Paris.
5.To Henry’s foreign troubles were added greater troubles at home;for theaDuke of Gloucester and Cardinal Beaufort,the two most powerful friends ofthe House of Lancaster,had died;and there was growing up a great rival to the King in the person of Richard,Duke of York,who was really the rightful heir to the throne.
6.Then commenced that long and bloody contest known as the War of the Roses,which lasted thirty years,and almost destroyed the old English nobility.Those who were on the side of the Duke of York wore a white rose,and those who favoured the House of Lancaster wore a red one.