4.The first battle was fought on a summer day at St.AlbansinHertfordshire.Foremost in the fight was the giant-like figure of Richard Neville,Earl of Warwick-the man who most of all deserves to be considered the hero of this war,and who is placed above the Kings of his day by the lofty title of “The King-maker.”His manly beauty was of the same kind as that which attracted admiration to Richard of the Lion Heart.He had the same curling brown hair,brave blue eye,and rich bronzed cheek-the same fierce ardour in the fight-and the same generosity of character and frankness of address.
5.If it had not been for the bravery and spirit of Margaret of Anjou,the wifeof poor imbecile King Harry,the cause of the House of Lancaster,whose friends wore the Red Rose,would have quickly sunk and perished.It was not so much for her husband as for her son that this heroic woman clung to the English throne,and gathered armies untiringly,only to be beaten and to begin again.
6.Among all the battles of the rival Roses none is more memorable thanbthat of Wakefield.
While York was enjoying the festival of Christmas in SendalCastle,above the town and green of Wakefield,in Yorkshire,Margaret came from the Border with an army,and defied him to come out to battle,jeering at him for being afraid to face a woman on the field of war.Stung by her mockery,and professing that he would never shut himself up in dread of “a scolding woman,whose weapons were her tongue and her nails,”he issued orders to his bannerman to carry the colours out from the castle gate.
7.He saw before him a body of men under his old foe Somerset,and supposed that this formed the whole of Margaret’s force.But,while he went blindly on to fight with this mass of men,he was leading his force between two hidden bands;and these,as soon as he was completely in the trap,rushed out of their ambush and attacked him in flank and rear.
8.York was struck dead before very long,and Lord Clifford,finding the body,chopped off the head,put on it a crown of paper,and brought it as a present to Queen Margaret,who raised a horrible laugh of triumph when she saw the bloody head and heard the cruel jokes with which Clifford handed her the gift.
9.We can almost forgive Clifford‘s brutality when we remember the spirit of the time;but he had done that day a deed which cannot be pardoned.Asa St.Albans.-Nineteen miles north-west of London.
b Wakefield.-Nine miles south of Leeds;26from York.
he was riding over the Calder Bridge,he had met a priest and a fair-haired boy of twelve.They had come out from the castle to watch the fight,and were hurrying away from the field,having seen that the battle was lost.
10.Clifford asked the name of the boy;and having found from the trembling priest that it was Edmund,Earl of Rutland,a son of York,he sprang to the ground.Seizing the child,who struggled and prayed for pity in vain to “Sweet Clifford,gentle Clifford,good Clifford,”he plunged his dagger into the little breast,and then,tossing the body aside,he rode away to mutilate the corpse of poor Rutland’s father.No wonder that the memory of the “Black-faced Lord,”
as Clifford was called,is hated by all lovers of true chivalry.
4.在一个夏日,第一场战斗在赫特福德郡的圣奥尔本斯b打响了。这场战争中最值得一书的便是政治强人沃里克伯爵理查德·内维尔,他是这场战争中公认的英雄a 圣殿:位于伦敦城中的一个建筑群,最早属于圣殿骑士也即共济会所有。当修道会的勋位体制被法律固定下来之后,这个建筑群便被采用作为法院所在地,且被分为两部分,称为内殿与外殿。
b 圣奥尔本斯:位于伦敦西北19英里。
a 韦克菲尔德:位于利兹以南9英里,距离约克26英里。
1461to 1483A.D.-22years(公元1461~1483年,在位22年)ambitious,desirous of power.confined,kept a prisoner.influence,power.
strike another blow,fight another battle.
1.With Edward the Fourth the House of York begins.Though he had won the crown,he was not allowed to enjoy it in peace.The northern parts of the country were still in favour of Henry,and raised an army for him,which was defeated with terrible slaughter by Edward and Warwick at Towton,near York.Several other battles were fought,in which Henry was beaten;and at last he was taken prisoner and thrown into the Tower.