5.The next pretender was Perkin Warbeck.He gave out that he was the Duke of York,who,with his brother.Edward the Fifth,was said to have been murdered in the Tower;and he was so like that little prince and his father,Edward the Fourth,that many believed him to be the real duke.The King of Scotland was so sure of it,that he took him into favour,and gave him a daughter of Earl Huntly in marriage.
6.But before Warbeck could bring an army into the field,his plot was discovered.Many noblemen of his party were taken and put to death.Warbeck himself was seized,put into the stocks,made to read aloud a confession of his guilt,and afterwards hanged.His widow was taken into the service of the English Queen.
7.Henry,being now firmly seated on the throne,took great pains to increase his wealth.In doing so he was greatly helped by Empson and Dudley,who laid heavy fines on all who offended the King,and sometimes even seized for his benefit the estates of the rich.It is said that he died worth twelve million sterling.In spite of his greed for money,he was a wise and able ruler.
8.Notes of Progress.-In this reign the New World was discovered byaColumbus,who landed on the Bahama Islands.
A passage to India by the Cape
of Good Hope was discovered by Vasco de Gama.The marriage of the Princess Margaret with James the Fourth of Scotland in 1502led,about two hundred years later,to the Union of the Crowns.
2.亨利后来迎娶约克家族的伊丽莎白为妻,她是爱德华四世的女儿,因此这桩a Bahama Islands.-A group in the West Indies,east of Florida.
a 斯多克:位于诺丁汉郡,地处纽瓦克西南4英里。
b 巴哈马群岛:西印度群岛的一部分,位于佛罗里达东部。
desertion,leaving;forsaking.discontented,not satisfied.discovered,found out.
tournaments,mock fights between spearmen on horseback.
1.The whole reign of Henry the Seventh is full of plots and impostures;but there is one story so romantic that it stands out from all the rest.It is the story of Perkin.Warbeck,who pretended to be the young Duke of York,one of the two princes believed to have been murdered in the Tower.
2.This adventurer made his first appearance in Ireland.His manly bearing and his wonderful story.gained over a few of the nobles in that country;but the common people did not rise in his favour.
3.Warbeck then crossed over to France.At Paris,he was treated at first with great honour;but King Charles found it convenient to make a treaty with Henry of England,under which he was obliged to expel Warbeck from France.
4.He went to Flanders,and was joyously received as “The White Rose of England”by the Duchess of Burgundy,sister of Edward the Fourth.A plot to dethrone Henry and put Perkin in his place was at once formed,and found many eager partisans in England as well as in Flanders.
5.Henry,however,found out what was going on.He discovered that Warbeck was no prince,but only a valet out of place-the son of a Jewish merchant.By means of bribes,he learned the names of the pretender‘s English supporters,and seized them all in one day.Three of them were put to death.
6.Perkin then made a sudden descent on Dealwith a few hundred men;but he was beaten back with the loss of two hundred prisoners,who were hanged on the shore.
a Deal.-On the coast of Kent,a few miles north of Dover.
7.After trying Ireland again,Perkin went across the North Channel to Scotland,where James the Fourth was King.As James and Henry were then on unfriendly terms,the adventurer was received with the warmest welcome at the Scottish Court,and was called “cousin”by the King,who gave splendid feasts and held tournaments in honour of his handsome guest.Perkin found in Scotland a wife as well as a warm reception;for James,in order to make plain to all the world that he considered Perkin no impostor but the real Richard,Duke of York,gave him the hand of the beautiful Catherine Gordon,daughter of the Earl of Huntly,and a near relation of his own.
8.But Perkin wanted more than such marks of confidence.He wanted King James to aid him in the invasion of England;and after a while the monarch agreed to do so.Perkin sent some men before him,to try to kindle a rebellion in his favour;but the English peasants would not take fire.By means of spies and bribed men Henry of England knew all that was going on in the Scottish camp;and one of his secret friends agreed to try to capture Warbeck in his tent during some long winter night.
9.This plan failed,however,and the pretender crossed the Border with the Scottish King.They soon went back,having fought no battle,for food grew scarce,and the Englishmen were stanch to their King.James soon made a second raid as far as to the river Tees;but he fell back on his own land,when Surrey marched northward with an English army.