a 星室法庭:15~17世纪英国的著名司法机构,位于威斯敏斯特大教堂内,得名于其所在那间屋天花板上装饰的星状图案。因为其专断暴虐滥用酷刑而臭名昭著,与1614年被废除。--译者注98THE SPANISH ARMADA西班牙无敌舰队
embarked in,went on board of.
exchanged,passed from one to another.
invincible,not able to be conquered.
1.One July evening,while a number of naval officers were playing a game at bowls on the green sward of what is called the Hoe of Plymouth,there was seen away on the edge of the sea the white speck of a sail.It came nearer,and soon distinctly took the shape of a little barque,that pressed on under every rag of canvas she could show towards the harbour of Plymouth.Oftener than once the players,in the pauses of the game,exchanged guesses about the sail;for they were gathered there on the watch.for a great Spanish fleet,which the boastful Philip had called The Invincible Armada.
2.When the ship reached the land,her master hurried up to the Hoe,and,breathless with haste,told the officers that he had seen the great shipcastles of the Spaniards only that morning-that he had been chased by one of them-but that his little cutter had out-raced the larger ship.Some of the captainsawere for hurrying off at once to heave up their anchors;but Drake,whosefame is great as a sailor and a discoverer,insisted that the game of bowls should be finished.“For,”he said,“we have plenty of time to finish our match and to beat the Spaniards too.”
3.In spite of the wind that blew,the English fleet sailed out of harbour that night;and the next day the men on the masts saw the first signs of the Spanish Armada.The ships lay in a great half-moon of wooden castles for fully seven miles along the sea.
a Drake,Sir Francis.-A famous admiral and navigator.He sailed round the world in 1577-80.At this time he was vice-admiral under Howard.He died in 1596.
4.There were vessels of different kinds and sizes.There was the great galleon,with oaken ribs as thick as a wall,and masts twined with pitched cables,as closely as the handle of a cricket-bat is bound with waxed cord.There was the galliass,a vessel like the old Roman galley,in which slaves rowed large heavy oars in banks or tiers,one above the other.And there were many smaller ships and boats to fill the spaces in the great half-moon.
5.The English Admiral,a brave Roman Catholic nobleman,Lord Howard of Effingham,looked carefully at the huge ships,and let them sail slowly past his lighter vessels.Then,when they had gone some distance on the way to Calais,the English guns opened fire on the stragglers in the rear.
6.In this first exchange of shots the English had the best of the fighting;for the Spanish cannons were so fixed on the lofty decks that their muzzles could not be lowered,and the balls were sent flying far above the English ships.Another advantage which the English had,lay in the lightness of their hulls,which enabled them to move easily and to sail round the big galleons of Spain.
7.The two fleets sailed up the English Channel toward the Strait of Dover-the Spaniards first,the English following,and fighting as long as their supply of powder lasted.So slow was the rate of progress,that it took a whole week toreach Calais;and Dunkirk,where the Duke of Parmalay with an army ready
for the invasion of England,was somewhat farther on.Parma‘s soldiers never embarked in the Spanish ships,which now lay so very near them.
8.One night a few daring Englishmen took eight barges,which had been previously filled with things that burned long and fiercely,such as pitch and resin,and towed them toward the Spanish fleet.When they were near enough to the tall,dark masses,they set fire to the eight boats,and allowed them to drift before the wind into the midst of the Spanish hulls.
9.The Spaniards had been scorched before by a similar device;and when theddreadful cry,“The Fire of Antwerp,”
more dreadful on account of the darkness
of the night and the dim terrors of an unknown sea,rose upon the air,there was great confusion among the Spanish vessels.Ships ran violently against each other in the effort to escape from the neighbourhood of the flaming barges.
10.The explosion of some cunningly prepared firework in the burning ships often lighted a wide circle of the dark,heaving sea with a sudden brightness,a Howard,Charles.-Afterwards Earl of Nottingham;died in 1624.
b Dunkirk.-In the north of France,45miles east of Dover.It was then a Flemish town.Charles II.sold it to the French King in 1664.