c Parma Alexander Farnese.-A famous general in the service of Philip II.of Spain.
d The fire of Antwerp.-Fire aimilar to that with which the people of Antwerp had attacked the Spaniardssome years previously.
which made the succeeding darkness the more terrible.Next morning the Spanish ships were all scattered in different directions owing to this panic;and the English sailors easily destroyed or defeated the fragments of the fleet,which in its unbroken form had seemed really invincible.
11.Those ships of the Spanish fleet which escaped made their way northward,followed to FlamboroughaHeadby the pursuing English.
Away past St.Abb’s Head,
and round the shoulder of Aberdeenshire,fled theill-fated galleons,with their smaller attendants,and stretched right across the Moray Firth to that channel which first admits a passage into the wide Atlantic from the North Sea.
12.So,round the north and west of Scotland,past the coast of Ireland,and across the Bay of Biscay,they went-those fifty-three broken ships,manned with a small number of pale and ragged men,who had but little food and less appetite to eat it.And thus ended the expedition,by means of which King Philip the Second of Spain intended to conquer England,and inflict onProtestantism a blow from which it was never to recover.
2.船靠岸后,船长气喘吁吁地跑上山崖,神情慌张地告诉海军将士们他在早上看见了西班牙人的巨型战舰群,他还被其中一艘追赶,幸好他的小船速度快,甩掉a Flamborough Head.-On the coast of Yorkshire.
b St.Abb‘s Head.-On the coast of Berwick.
c 草地滚球:起源于英格兰宫廷,是一项集运动竞技和休闲娱乐于一体的时尚运动,至今已具有数百年的历史。可以单人或多人一组进行比赛,主要是以投掷球与目标球的距离最近为规则。--译者注了追赶的大船侥幸逃脱。众将官一听,都立即跑开准备起锚出海;享有盛誉的航海家与探险家德雷克a当时也在场,他却坚持认为应该将比赛打完再去,他说:“因为我们有足够的时间打完比赛后再去打西班牙人。”
9.西班牙人曾经以同样的方式遭受过袭击,因此见此情景,有人开始惊呼“安特卫普的大火e又来了”。加之当时正值漆黑的半夜,身处这片未知海域本就让人心a 德雷克:即弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士,史上著名的海军将领和航海家。他在1577-1580年间完成了环球航行,当时他正在霍华德手下担任海军副司令官。卒于1596年。
b 霍华德:即霍华德·查尔斯,后来成为诺丁汉伯爵,卒于1624年。
c 敦刻尔克:位于法国北部,地处多佛以东45英里。当时此地为一个佛兰芒人聚居的城镇,查尔斯二世在1664年将其卖给了法国国王。
d 帕尔马公爵:即亚历山大·法尔内塞,西班牙国王菲利普二世麾下著名的军事将领。
e 安特卫普的大火:多年前安特卫普人就是以类似的火攻方式袭击了西班牙人。
a 夫兰巴洛海岬:位于约克郡海岸。
b 圣阿布斯海岬:位于贝里克郡海岸。
bulwarks,decks.clarions,trumpets.forlorn,deserted.galleons,large ships.harry,rob.
menacing,threatening.pennons,flags.shattered,broken up.swarthy,dark.tattered,in fragments.
1.Let them come,come never so proudly,O’er the green waves in tall array;Silverclarions menacing loudly,“All the Spains”on their pennons gay;High on deck of their gilded galleysOur light sailors they scorn below:-We will scatter them,plague,and shatter them,Till their flag hauls down to the foe!
For our oath we swear By the name we bear,By England‘s Queen,and England free and fair,-Hers ever,and hers still,come life,come death:
God save Elizabeth!
2.Sidonia,Recalde,and Leyva
Watch from their bulwarks in swarthy scorn;Lords and princes by Philip’s favour:
We by birthright are noble born!Freemen born of the blood of freemen,Sons of Crecyand Floddenare we:
We shall sunder them,fire,and plunder them,-a Sidonia,Recalde,and Leyva.-Spanish leaders.The Duke of Medina Sidonia was the High Admiral.
b Crecy.-In the north of France,where the Black Prince gained a great victory in 1346.
c Flodden.-In the north of England,where the English defeated the Scots in 1513.
English boats on the English sea!
And our oath we swear By the name we bear,By England‘s Queen,and England free and fair,-Hers ever,and hers still,come life,come death:
God save Elizabeth!
3.Drake and Frobisher,
Hawkins and Howard,
Ralegh,Cavendish,Cecil,and Brooke,Hang like wasps by the flag-ships towered,Sting their way through the thrice-piled oak:-Let them range their seven-mile crescent,Giant galleons,canvas wide!
Ours will harry them,board,and carry them,Plucking the plumes of the Spanish pride.
For our oath we swear By the name we bear,By England’s Queen,and England free and fair,-Hers ever,and hers still,come life,come death:
God save Elizabeth!
4.Has God risen in wrath and scattered?
Have his tempests smote them in scorn?
Past the Orcades,
dumb and tattered,