8.Kindred with astrology was alchemy,an art which had for its object the discovery of the philosopher‘s,stone and the elixir of life.The former was an imaginary substance which could change all common metals into gold;the latter was a liquid which would confer on the person drinking it everlasting life and beauty.From witchcraft came that knowledge of drugs and plants so useful in medicine and the arts;while from the falsehoods of astrology and alchemy sprang the truths of astronomy and chemistry.
9.Navigation,geography,and commerce advanced together with rapid strides.Henry the Seventh laid the foundation of our navy,and therefore of our world-wide commerce.English ships were soon ploughing every sea.In Mary’s reign the way to Archangel was discovered,and our Russian trade began.
10.It was,however,in the days of Elizabeth that commerce received its mightiest impulse.Wool,lead,and tin had long been exported to theaContinent,but in vessels from the Hanse Towns.
Elizabeth built large vessels
for this trade,and encouraged the English merchants to improve their ships.By granting a charter to the East India Company in 1600,she laid the foundation of our Indian Empire.
11.A remarkable feature of the period was the revival of learning,especially of the study of classics.This was owing chiefly to the Reformation;for the true explanation of the Bible depends on a knowledge of Greek,Hebrew,and Latin;and with the spread of the Bible was diffused a desire to know these languages.They have ever since held a leading place in school and college education.
12.Erasmus,a Dutchman,was Professor of Greek at Oxford in the reign of Henry the Eighth,and did much for the advancement of classical study.Henry the Eighth,Edward the Sixth,Jane Grey,and Mary were all good classical scholars;and Elizabeth,even after she became Queen,read,as her tutor,old Roger Ascham,said,“more Greek in a day than a clergyman read of Latin in a week.”
a Hanse Towns.-The Free Cities of Germany,forming a commercial league.There are now only three-Frankfort,Bremen,and Lubeck.
a 哈特菲尔德宫:位于教会所属哈特菲尔德,地处赫特福德郡西南6.5英里。
b 摩里斯舞:一种据说是起源于西班牙摩尔人的舞蹈。
c 罗宾汉:理查德一世时代的著名英雄人物,是一位功勋卓著的弓箭手。其英雄事迹被后世以各种方式表现在多种运动项目中,玛丽安是他队伍中关系很好的一位朋友。