
第159章 第二册(76)

fingers and a thumb. If you take hold of astick and grasp it, you will see how usefulthe thumb is. You could not grasp the stick if you had no thumb. You could not do it with your foot.""That monkey, too, seemed to have very long arms," said Norah. "They reached nearly to the ground.""Yes," said Willie, "teacher says all monkeys have very long arms. Did you notice, Norah, he never stood quite upright? When he was on the ground he did not seem happy. He looked very awkward as he moved along. He was always stooping. He seemed to be using his long arms to support himself.""The truth is," said Fred, "monkeys are quite out of place on the ground. Their proper home is in the trees. Their four hands are made for grasping the branches. Their long arms help them to swing themselves from one branch to another. Although they are so awkward on the ground, they are very sharpand nimble in the trees. They climb and spring from bough to bough, and are quite at home there.