
第160章 第二册(77)

"Monkeys are not found wild in this country, but in some parts of the world they are as numerous asrabbits are here. They live in the dense woods and forests of the hottest countries of the world. Their home is in the trees, and they feed chiefly on fruits and nuts."SUMMARY

Monkeys have four hands. They are meant to live in the trees. Their arms are very long, to help them to swing from branch to branch. They have hands instead of feet, to grasp the branches.

Lesson 35


"Oh, boys," said Norah, after tea was over one evening, "I wish you would come and help me find my pretty tin mug. I have not seen it since I had it in the garden nearly a week ago. I"m afraid it will be covered with rust.""You may make your mind easy as to the rust," said Fred. "Tin does not easily rust." Then they began the search.

"Look, here it is, under the seat. It is not at all rusty. A rub with the leather will soon make it shine as brightly as ever. Tin has a very bright, metallic lustre, and can easily be polished when it gets dull.

"Suppose your mug had been made of iron instead of tin, Norah," he added.