
第163章 第二册(80)

We call him an ape. He has no tail. He is much bigger than a man, for he is nearly seven feet high, and has a great broad, powerful body and a huge head. He is covered with coarse, iron-gray hair, andhis face is jet black. He is a

fierce, ugly, savage creature. A man would rather meet a lion than this great ape.

"He lives in the dense forests of Africa. He and his mate make their nest in the trees by twining the branches together. They live on roots, fruits, and berries.

"Then we saw pictures of the baboons. They have short tails. Some baboons are nearly as tall as a man. They are all very fierce and strong. Teachershowed us one with a face marked with lines of scarlet, purple, and blue. He is cal led a Mandrill.

"Now, Fred, suppose you tell us about the monkeys.""Well," said Fred, "the monkeys are smaller than either the apes or the baboons. They all have long tails.

"Monkeys are found in the forests of Asia and Africa, and also in America. The monkeys of America are not like those of Asia and Africa. They have either no thumb at all or a very small one, but to make up forthis, the tail is very long, and the creatures use it as asort of fifth hand. They are very clever climbers.