
第164章 第二册(81)

"The monkeys of Asia and Africa have shorter tails, but the thumbs are better fitted for grasping. You could easily tell them by their cheek pouches. Teacher showed us their loose wrinkled cheeks. The wrinkles form bags or pouches, and the monkeys stow away in them the nuts and fruit which they gather in the forests.

"I am going to ask father to take us to the Zoo, to see the monkeys and baboons," Fred added. "Teacher says we can"t see the dreadful gorilla there. He is such a furious, savage beast that hewill not live in a cage. He refuses his food and dies rather than live a prisoner. Perhaps father will take us to the Museum, to see the stuffed bodies of the dead gorillas."SUMMARY

Apes have no tails. The gorilla is a ?erce, ugly, savage ape,bigger than a man. He lives in the forests of Africa.

Baboons have short tails. They are nearly as big as a man,and very ?erce.

Monkeys have long tails. The monkeys of Asia and Africa have cheek pouches; their tails are not so long as those of the American monkeys.

Lesson 37


"Father has given me these pieces of zinc," said Fred, "so suppose we have a chat about zinc tonight.