
第31章 第一册(31)

"After all," he added, "that grand mane makes him look a more noble fellow than the tiger.""Think of them," said the father, "in their native forests. They are a terror both to men and beasts. The lion kills his victim only when he is hungry. The tiger seems to delight in blood. He kills only for the sake of killing."Before they went away their father took them tosee the leopard, the panther, the puma, and some other great cats. The children were much struck with the handsome spotted coat of the leopard.


The tiger is another great, fierce cat. He has a fine, striped, glossy coat. He is even more cruel than the lion. He is a terror to all the animals of the forests in which he lives.

The leopard, the panther, and the puma are other great savage cats. The leopard has a handsome, spotted coat.

Lesson 16

Wolves and Foxes

"I think we will go now and see some of the savage cousins of our dear old Ponto," said father.