
第32章 第一册(32)

He took them first to the wolf "s cage. The children could see at once that the wolf is really awild, fierce sort of dog. "Look at him," said father. "He has the same pointed head, the same wide mouth, the same long sharp pointed teeth as the dog. He is in every way like the dog, but the dog is tame and gentle, while he is savage and wild.""There is a cruel snarling look about his mouth that I don"t like," said Fred. "How he shows his teeth too. Yes, he looks very savage.""Wolves live together," said father, "in large numbers. They hunt their prey in a pack-a great many all together. They are cowards, although they are so fierce and strong.

"They hunt their victim by chasing it and running it down. They have a very sharp sense of smell. They can scent their prey a long way off.""I am glad there are no wolves in our country," said Fred.

"Come along now, children," said father, "I"ve another fierce wild dog to show you. Here he is; we call him a Fox.