
第51章 中国科学院院士林为干主要著作目录

学 术 专 著





期 刊 论 文

1.Weigan Lin,“Microwave Filters Employing a Single Cavity Excited in More than One Mode”,J.Appl.Phys,pp.987-1003,August 1951

2.林为干,“贝塞尔函数的近似计算在调频制中的应用”,物理学报vol.11,no.5,September 1955



5.Weigan Lin,“Contributions to the Theory of non-ideal Wavegides,Science Record”,New Ser.vol.1,no.2,1957

6.林为干,“格林函数在计算部分电容中的应用”,物理学报,vol.15,no.1,pp.13-24,January 1959

7.Weigan Lin,Weyan Pan,“Coupling Between a Rectangular Waveguide and a Circular Waveguide or a Cylindrical Cavity Through a Small Hole”,SCIENTIA SINICA,vol.XIII,no.6,1959

8.Weigan Lin,“The Method of Solving Electromagnetic Problem from the known Solutions of the corresponding Static Problems”,J.Phys,vol.15,no.9,pp.449-464,September 1959

9.林为干,“由已知相应的静电静磁问题求电动力学问题的解”,物理学报,vol.15,no.9,pp.449-462,September 1959

10.林为干,“平面上无限长开槽衍射问题的一个新解法”,物理学报,vol.15,no.9,pp.465-468,September 1959

11.Weigan Lin,“Characteristic Impedances of the Slotted Coaxial Line,Science Record”,New Ser.vol.III,no.11,1959

12.Weigan Lin,“Step and Taper Waveguide Section with Rounded Corners”,Science Record,New Ser.vol.4,no.3,1960


14.Weigan Lin,“Properties of Rectangular and Trough Line with Circular Inner Conductor”,SCIENTIA SINICA,vol.X,no.6,1961

15.Weigan Lin,S.L Chung,“A New Method of Calculating the Characteristic Impedances of Transmission Lines”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,vol.19,no.4,pp.249-258,April 1963


17.林为干,“几个三角形波导的振幅分布函数”,电子学报,no.3,September 1964

18.Weigan Lin,Weyan Pan,“Low-Frequency Scattering by Polygonal Cylinders”,SCIENTIA SINICA,vol.XIII,no.9,pp.1381-1396,1964

19.林为干,曾令儒,“正三角形简并式波导滤波器”,电子学报,no.2,June 1964

20.林为干,“任意截面波导中 TE 波的截止波长的一个模拟测量方法”,电子学报,no.1,pp.73-80,March,1965

21.Weigan Lin,“The Computation on and the Analysis of Coaxial Bandpass Filters”,SCIENTIA SINICA,vol.XVII,no.4,August,1974

22.林为干,“具有矩形内导体,圆柱外导体的同轴线的特性阻抗”,物理学报,vol.26,no.1,January 1977

23.林为干,“有限长正方形柱导体电容值的一个新的计算方法”,物理学报,vol.27,no.2,March 1978

24.林为干,潘威炎,“具有矩形柱内导体圆柱外导体的同轴线的特性阻抗”,电子学报,no.2,June 1979

25.Weigan Lin,“Contributions to the Theory of Elliptical Waveguides”,SCIENTIA SINCA,vol.22,no.10,pp.1134-1146,October 1979

26.Weigan Lin,“Electromagnetic Wave Propagating in Uniform Waveguides Containing Inhomogeneous Dielectric”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.MTT-28,no.4,April 1980

27.林为干,刘仁厚,邬琳若,“扇形、椭圆、半椭圆波导的研究”,电子学报,no.3,ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,September 1980

28.Weigan Lin,“Low-Frequency Seattering of Dielectric Cylinders,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques”,vol.MTT-28,no.11,pp.1199-1204,November 1980

29.Weigan Lin,“Recommendation and Reference Table of Rigid Elliptical Waveguide Data”,KEXUE TONGBAO,NO.12,December 1980

30.Weigan Lin,Zeng Lingru,“On the Characteristic Impedance of a Coaxial Line with Elliptic Outer Conductor and Rectangular Inner Conductor”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,vol.1,pp。21,January 1981

31.Weigan Lin,“Mode Theory of Uniform Waveguides Filled with Dielectric Inhomogeneous along One Direction Only”,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.52,no.5,pp.3640-3645,May 1981

32.Weigan Lin,“A Critical Study of the Coaxial Transmission Line Utilizing Conductors of Both Circular and Square Cross Section”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.30,no.11,pp.1981-1988,November 1982

33.Weigan Lin,“Approximate Dispersion Curves of Some noncircular Dielectric Optical Waveguides”,Martinus Nijhoff Publ,pp.203-206,1983

34.Weigan Lin,“Power Carrying Capacity Reduction in Straight Regular Waveguide Containing Foreign Conduting Bodies”,SCIENTIA SINCA,Series A:Mathematical,Physical,Astronomical&;;amp;Technical Sciences,vol.7,no.2,pp.184-195,February 1984

35.Weigan Lin,“The Problem of a Conducting Sphere Resting on an Earthed Plane in a Uniform Perpendicular Field and its Applications”,ELECTRONICS LETTERS,vol.20,no.2,pp.122-124,2nd February,1984

36.Weigan Lin and Zhiqing Zhang,“Orthogonal Modes in a Rectangular Cavity”,SCIENTIA SINCA(Series A),vol.28,no.1,pp.71-85,January 1985

37.Weigan Lin,“Polygonal Coaxial Line with Round Center Conductor”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.MTT-33,no.6,pp.545-550,June 1985

38.Weigan Lin,“A New Transmission Line of Round Conductor and Parallel Plane with Symmetrically Placed Slit”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.MTT-33,no.8,pp.739-740,August 1985

39.Weigan Lin,“Computation of the Parallel-Plate Capacitor with Symmetrically Placed Unequal Plates”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.MTT-33,no.9,pp.800-807,September 1985

40.Y.H.Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Local Field in Bent Step Index Slab Waveguides”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.1,issue 9,pp.329-333,November 1988

41.Dengguo Zhang,Weigan Lin,“New Design Method of H-Plane Waveguide Circulator”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.9,no.2,p p.173-177,February 1988

42.Y。H。Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Local Field in a Bent Step Index Fibre”,Electronics Letters,vol.24,no.6,pp.332-333,17th March 1988

43.Weigan Lin,Changhua Wan,“Solutions of Some Transmission Lines”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.5,pp.163-166,July 1988

44.林为干,“一类经典静电问题的解及其新的应用”,中国科学(A辑),no.3,pp.319-326,March 1989


46.Weigan Lin,“Exact electromagnetic field theory for the broadband H-plane waveguide junction circulators”,Alta Frequenza,vol.58,no.2,Mar-Apr,pp。225-237,1989

47.Weigan Lin,“Electrostatic problem of a portion of a sphere in a uniform field”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.2,no.6,pp.218-222,June,1989

48.Y.H.Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Local Field Analysis of Bent Optical Waveguides”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.2,no.8,pp。285-286,August,1989

49.Y.H.Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Radiation Loss in Bent Step Index Slab Waveguides”,Opt.Lett.,vol.14,pp.1231-1233,1989

50.Weigan Lin,Ruan Chengli,“Measurement and Calibratin of a Universal Six-Port Network Analyzer”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.37,no.4,pp.734-742,April,1989

51.Qi Guo,Guosheng Zhou,Weigan Lin,“Mutual interaction of the first-order soliton multipulse series in optical fibers”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.2,no.11,pp.383-386,nov,1989

52.Weigan Lin,Hang Jin,“Analytic solutions to the electrostatic problems of two dielectric spheres”,Journal of Applied Physics,Volume 67,No.3,pp.1160-1166,1 February,1990

53.Weigan Lin and Hang Jin,“Green’s function for the Poisson equation in the domains bounded by two intersecting spheres”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.4,pp.130-132,April,1990

54.Yafei Huang,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Singular integral equation technique for planar transmission lines”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.5,pp.157-160,May,1990

55.Weigan Lin,Hang Jin,“Solutions to the electrostatic problems of a dielectric sphere resting on a conducting plane by inversion transformation method”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.5,pp.176-177,May 1990

56.Yafei Huang,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Accurate solutions for planar transmission lines by an improved singular integral equation technique”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.6,pp.208-210,Jun,1990

57.Ziyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“A New Way to Optically Control a Millimeter-wave Oscillator”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.38,no.9,pp.1360-1362,September,1990

58.Yuehua Cheng,Weigan Lin,Yoichi Fujii,“Local field analysis of bent graded-index planar waveguides”,Journal of Lightwave Technology,vol.8,no.10,pp.1461-1469,October,1990

59.Y。H。Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Investigation of Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides:an iteratively equivalent index method”,IEE Proceedings,vol.137,Pt.J,no.5,pp.323-329,October 1990

60.Bingzhong Wang and Weigan Lin,“UTD formula for H-polarization plane wave diffraction by a wedge with impedance faces”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.10,pp.356-359,October,1990

61.Kama Huang,Weigan Lin,“Influence of TEM waves on dielectric encapsulated semiconductor devices”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,nol.3,no.11,pp.388-389,Nov,1990

62.S.L.Lai,Weigan Lin,“TM Triple-Mode Microwave Filter”,Electronics Letters,nol.26,no.25,pp.2112-2113,6th December 1990

63.Yuehua Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Dispersion characteristics of optical dielectric waveguides”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.3,no.12,pp.419-423,Dec,1990

64.Wu Xiaodong and Weigan Lin,“Characteristics of microstrip transmission lines”,Journal of Electronics(China),Volume 7,Number 1/1990

65.Guo Qi,Zhou Guosheng,and Weigan Lin,“Strict Derivation for the Evolution Equation Contains High Order Terms of Soliton”,Science in China,Vol.A,No.2,200-209(1991)

66.Weigan Lin,Yuanan Liu,Yushen Zhao,“Electrostatic problem of a portion of a multilayer dielectric sphere in a uniform field”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.3,pp.123-128,February,1991

67.Weigan Lin,“The rotational degenerated bipolar coordinate system and its new applications”,Journal of Electrostatics,vol.26,no.1,pp.21-36,March,1991

68.Weigan Lin,“Further study on the rectangular coaxial line of simple symmetry”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.4,pp.166-168,March,1991

69.Weigan Lin,“Field distribution inside a TEM cell with a cross of unequal arms as inner conductor”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.6,pp.239-243,May,1991

70.Weigan Lin,“Circular Coaxial Line with a Cross of Unequal Arms as Inner Conductor”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.7,pp.279-281,June,1991

71.Weigan Lin,“Theory of a new type of tem cell of variable characteristics”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.8,pp.313-317,July,1991

72.Jinxiong Xie,Weigan Lin,“Investigation on suspended stripline and end-coupled bandpass filter”,Chinese Journal of systems Engineering and Electronics,vol.2,no.2,pp.82-90,July,1991

73.Xuegang Zeng,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Scaled-down RCS study of a rectangular flat plate coated with lossy material”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Volume 4,Issue 10,pp.412-414,September 1991.

74.Jingxiong Xie,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Ka band integrated planar mixer”,Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves/Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao,vol.10,no.5,pp.365-370,October 1991(中文)

75.Wen Geyi,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Backscattering of an electromagnetic missile by a perfectly conducting sphere”,Journal of Applied Physics,Volume 70,No.8,pp.4053-4056,October 15,1991

76.K.Huang and W.Lin,“Calculation of characteristic impedance of broadband TEM(BTEM cell)”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.4,no.12,pp.555-557,November 1991

77.W.Lin,Y.Cheng and R.Wang,“A New Theory of Calculating Bending Radiation Losses”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vo1.5,no.11,pp.1187-1198,1991

78.Weigan Lin,“A New Type of Coaxial Line of Rectangular and Oval Cylinder with Constant Electric Intensity on the Letter Cylinder”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.1,pp.19-22,January,1992

79.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin and Liangjin Xue,“General approach for finding the characteristics of chiral layered media”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.13,no.1,pp.105-115,January,1992

80.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin,“New theorems for bianisotropic media”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Volume 13,Number 3,pp.351-359,1992

81.Dajun Cheng and Weigan Lin,“Principles for radiation of time-harmonic elementary current in magnetized electron plasma half-space”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Volume 13,Number 3,1992

82.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Scattering response of a bianisotropic cylinder with electrically small cross-section”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Volume 13,Number 7,1992

83.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin,“Scattering response of an electrically small bianisotropic particle”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Volume 13,Number 7,pp.1017-1022,1992

84.Weigan Lin,“Further Study on the Characteristics of a Rectangular Line with Off-centered Strip Inner Conductor”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.2,pp.62-65,February 1992

85.Weigan Lin,“A new identity in Jacobin Function and its Application”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.2,pp.86-88,February 1992

86.Geyi Wen,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“Unified theory of the backscattering of electromagnetic missiles by a perfectly conducting target”,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.71,no.7,pp.3103-3108,Apr 1,1992

87.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“Study of optically controlled millimeter-wave propagation characteristics in a metallic rectangular waveguide loaded with double dielectric layers”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.4,pp.201-297,April,1992

88.Geyi Wen,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“Unified theory of electromagnetic missiles generated by an arbitrary plane current source”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.7,pp.337-340,Jun 20,1992

89.Ninghua Zhu,Yikun Lin,Zhengde Wu,and Weigan Lin,“Analytical Expressions of the Guided Mode Field Distribution:Analysis and Comparison”,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,vol.28,no.6,pp.1424-1428,June 1992

90.C.M.Qiu,W.Ren and W.Lin,“Reply of Authors of the Recurrence Matrix Technique for the Arbitrary Millimeter-wave and Microwave Planar Transmission Lines”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.9,pp.474-476,August 1992

91.Wei Ren,Changhua Wan,Weigan Lin,“Geometrical optics analysis of electromagnetic-missile backscattering”,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.72,no.5,pp.1669-1670,Sep 1,1992

92.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Characteristic impedance of the stripline and microstrip line of the elliptic cone”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.5,no.10,pp.506-509,Sep,1992

93.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“On the characteristic impedance of a coaxial line with elliptic cone outer conductor and angular strip inner conductor”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.13,no.10,pp.1634-1639,Oct,1992

94.Dan Zhu,Guoshu Yan,Li Hu,Weigan Lin,“Experimental design and fabrication of polarization prism system in optical fiber circulator”,Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,vol.20,no.1,pp.27-29,January,1993(中文)

95.Wu Xinbao,Pan Weiyan,Lin Weigan,“Characteristics of cavity-backed narrow slot antenna in a lossy medium”,Journal of Electronics(China),Volume 10,Number 1,1993

96.Weigan Lin,“A New type TEM Cell with a Sliding Cross as Inner Conductor”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.6,no.4,pp.266-268,March 20,1993

97.Xuegang Zeng,Chengli Ruan and Weigan Lin;“Waveform changes of pulse electromagnetic waves”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol.21,no.3,pp.95-97,March,1993(中文)

98.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Conformal elliptic cone and cone multiconductor microstrip line,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves”,Volume 14,Number 4,pp.873-884,1993

99.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin,Yushen Zhao,“Anisotropic impedance boundary condition for a cylindrical conductor coated with a bi-isotropic medium”,Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics,vol.26,no.4,pp.517-521,Apr 14,1993

100.Weigan Lin,“Raising and meaning of photonics”,Guangdianzi Jiguang/Optronics Lasers,vol.4,no.2,pp.96-97,Apr,1993(中文)

101.X。Zhou and Weigan Lin,“A Simple Method of Calculating the Capacitance of an Insulated Conductor”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.6,no.6,pp.355-358,May 1993

102.Caiming Qiu,Shuzhang Liu,Weigan Lin,“Equivalent electromagnetic parameters in mixture random media with strong scattering particles”,Tian Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol.21,no.6,pp.6-13,June,1993

103.Dajun Cheng,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Scattering response of an electrically small bianisotropic spheroid in the presence of a conducting plane”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.6,no.10,pp.575-578,Aug,1993

104.D。Cheng,Y。Zhao and Weigan Lin,“Analytical Behavior of the Surface Charge Density on a Conductor with Two Consecutive Edges with Right Angles”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.6,no.10,pp.578-581,August 1993

105.Dajun Cheng,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Spectral impedance boundary condition(SIBC)method for a spherical perfect electric conductor(PEC)with an uniform biisotropic coating”,Journal De Physique,III,vol.3,no.9,pp。1861,Sep,1993

106.Yanyan Liu,Junbo Wang,Shixiao Le,Weigan Lin,“Theory of stimulated Raman scattering of high power laser pulse train”,Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,vol.20,no.9,pp.678-681,Sep,1993(中文)

107.Yanyan Liu,Junbo Wang,Shixiao Le,Xiaoli Yang,Weigan Lin,“Effective absorption of aerosol heated by laser”,Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams,vol.5,no.4,pp.540-544,nov 15,1993(中文)

108.Z。L。Wang,W。Ren and Weigan Lin,“Effective Propagation Constants of a Half Space of Distributed Discrete Scatters with Modified T-Matrix Approach”,IEEE,pp。119-122,1993

109.Yanyan Liu,Junbo Wang,Shixiao Le,Weigan Lin,“Effect of transient stimulated Raman scattering of a pulse train of high-power laser”,Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering,Volume 1979,pp。648-655,1993

110.Weigan Lin,“A Critical Study of a Dielectric Sphere near a Grounded Plane”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.8,no。2,pp。195-203,1994

111.Weigan Lin,“Analytic Approach to the Static Problem of two Contacting Spheres”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.8,no。4,pp。435-447,1994

112.Yanyan Liu,Junbo Wang,Shixiao Le,Weigan Lin,“Output property of a nonlinear Fabry-Perot interferometer”,Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica,vol。14,no。1,pp。107-111,Jan,1994(中文)

113.Zhiliang Wang,Li Hu,Weigan Lin,“T-matrix approach for multiple scattering by inhomogeneities in dielectric waveguides”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。1,pp。26,Feb,1994(中英)

114.Shaoqing Wang,Weigan Lin,“Microwave stable mode power amplifier/combiner theory”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。1,pp。19,Feb,1994(中英)

115.Weigan Lin,“Comments on analytical behavior of the surface charge density on a conductor with two consecutive edges with right angles by F。Olyslager and D。De Zutter[1]”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Volume 7,Issue 4,pp。212-213,March 1994

116.Yuan Xiaojun,Wang Guangming,Lin Weigan,“An approximate solution of nonlinear wave equation”,Journal of Electronics(China),Volume 11,Number 3,1994

117.Shaoqing Wang,Weigan Lin,“Theory of N microwave oscillators mutually injection-locked”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。2,pp。150,Apr,1994(中英)

118.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“New configuration of coupled striplines”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。2,pp。151,Apr,1994

119.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“Analytical Analyses of V,Elliptic,and Circular-Shaped Microshield Transmission Lines”,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol。42,no。5,pp。855-859,May 1994

120.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“Conformal multiconductor elliptic cone microstrip lines”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。3,pp。245,June,1994

121.Xuegang Zeng,Weigan Lin,Chengli Ruan,“Analytical solution of electromagnetic scattering by coated prolate spheroid and calculation of far field scattering cross section”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。6,pp。72-78,June,1994(中文)

122.Weigan Lin,“Field leakage of a Channel Guide with an Opening”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.8,no。6,pp。711-723,1994

123.Weigan Lin,“Schwartz-Christoffel Transformation Approach to the Electrostatic Field of a Charged Conducting Closed Cylinder with some Symmetries”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.8,no。11,pp。1149-1510,1994

124.Shaoqing Wang,Weigan Lin,“Synchronized oscillation system with N oscillators mutually injection-locked”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。8,pp。54-58,August,1994(中文)

125.Shuzhang Liu,Caiming Qiu,Weigan Lin,“Calculation of effective EM parameters of random composite materials containing carbonyl iron particles”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。9,pp。104-107,Sept,1994(中文)

126.Changhua Wan,Weigan Lin,“CAD-oriented formulas for the quasi-TEM parameters of shielded and semi-enclosed(coupled)coplanar waveguides”,International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering,vol。4,no。4,pp。336-348,Oct,1994

127.Kang Lan,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Cutoff frequency of a circular waveguide partially filled with chiral material”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。5,pp。468,October,1994

128.Shaoqing Wang,Weigan Lin,“nonlinear Analysis of 90? bridge coupler power amplifier/combiner”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。11,pp。44-48,Nov。,1994(中文)

129.Quan Xue,Jun Xu,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Tunable fin-line-microstrip oscillator”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Volume 7,Issue 16,pp。765-767,November 1994

130.Naichang Yuan,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Study on the stripline,microstrip line and coaxial line of elliptic cone”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。12,pp。8-13,Dec,1994(中文)

131.Yangjian Deng,Weigan Lin,Yushen Zhao,“Axial electromagnetic energy from focused apertures”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。23,no。6,pp。595,Dec。,1994

132.Zhiliang Wang,Li Hu,Weigan Lin,“Modified T-matrix formulation and multiple scattering of EM waves by a half-space of randomly distributed dielectric spheres”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。22,no。12,pp。81-84,Dec。,1994(中文)

133.Cheng Liao,Yusheng Zhao,Weigan Lin,“New method for numerical solution Maxwell’s equation”,Electronics Letters,vol。31,no。4,pp。261-262,February 1995

134.Ninghua Zhu,Ziqian Wang,Weigan Lin,“On the accuracy of analytical expressions for calculating the parameters of coplanar strips on a finitely thick substrate”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Volume 8,Issue 3,pp。160-164,February 1995

135.Junxiang Ge,Weigan Lin,“Electromagnetic scattering of obliquely incident wave by a multilayered elliptical dielectric cylinder”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol。23,no。3,pp。20-25,Mar,1995(中文)

136.Dajun Cheng,Weigan Lin,Yushen Zhao,“Field representations in uniaxial bianisotropic-ferrite medium by cylindrical vector wave functions”,Journal of Applied Physics,vol。77,no。7,pp。2889-2895,April 1,1995

137.Kang Lan,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Research of broad-and measurement of dielectric materials”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。24,no。2,pp。152,April,1995(中英)

138.Naichang Yuan,Jianguo He,Demiao Yao,Qin Dai,Weigan Lin,“Analysis of some coplanar transmission lines:coplanar coupled lines,coplanar coupled striplines,and coplanar coupled lines with rectangular microshield”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。9,no。2,pp。85-87,Jun 5,1995

139.Cheng Liao,Yusheng Zhao,Weigan Lin,“New method for calculating electromagnetic scattering of complex objects”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。9,no。3,pp。144-147,June 1995

140.Quan Xue,Jun Xu,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Analaysis on waveguide cross-section-plane microstrip probe”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。9,no。4,pp。214-218,July 1995

141.Geyi Wen,Weigan Lin,“Backscattering of conducting targets at the focal plane of a focused aperture”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。24,no。4,pp。372,Aug,1995

142.Kang Lan,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Absorption characteristics of chiral medium and Dallenbaeh screen”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。24,no。4,pp。383,Aug,1995

143.Yangjian Deng,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Properties of focused circular aperture antennas”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol。24,no。4,pp,373,Aug,1995

144.Jian Fang,Weigan Lin,Yushen Zhao,“New method of solving the parabolic equation representing electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere”,Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol.24,no.5,pp.473-479,Oct,1995

145.Weigan Lin,“The Electrostatic Images of a Dielectric Sphere”,Journal of Electrostatics,vol。36,no。2,pp。129-137,Dec。,1995

146.Quan Xue,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Millimeter-wave finline-microstrip oscillator”,Dianzi Kexue Xuekan/Journal of Electronics,vol.18,no.1,pp.87-89,Jan,1996(中文)

147.Cheng Liao,Yushen Zhao and Weigan Lin,“New method for numerical solution of Maxwell's equations”,IEE Electron。Lett。Vol。31,pp261-262,Feb。,1996

148.Jian Fang,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Design of a dual-reflector antenna with nonuniform amplitude and phase distributions”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。12,no。1,pp。45-47,May,1996

149.Cheng Liao,Yushen Zhao and Weigan Lin,“A new method for calculating electromagnetic scattering of complex objects”,Microwave&;;amp;Opt.Tech.Lett.,Vol.9,No.3,pp144-147,June,1996.

150.Xingling Zhou,Yue Wang,Weigan Lin,“comments on the solution of the dirichlet problem of a conductiong ellipsoid”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.12,no.4 pp.203-205,July,1996

151.Li Hu,Bo Jia,Shuqiang Chen,Weigan Lin,“Theoretical analysis of fin line with anisotropic substrate”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol.24,no.9,pp.119-124,Sept,1996(中文)

152.Weigan Lin,“The Involute of Circle and Evolute of Ellipse as Generators of Static Field”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.10,no.12,pp.1645-1654,1996


154.Kang Lan,Yushen Zhao,Weigan Lin,“Hybrid numerical simulation method for the time-domain E M scattering problem of an inhomogeneous half loss space”,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,vol.25,no.3,pp。41-44,Mar,1997(中文)

155.Quan Xue,Liangjin Xue,Weigan Lin,“Dielectric resonator suspended on E-plane”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.16,no.3,pp.141-142,Oct.20,1997

156.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,and Weigan Lin,“Characteristics of eccentric coaxial line using conformal mapping and finite-difference time-domain method”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。16,no。4,pp。249-252,November,1997


158.Qinhong Zheng,Weigan Lin,Fuyao Xie,Ming Li,“Multipole Theory Analysis of Various Configurations of Slab Lines”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol。17,no。3,pp。197-200,February 1998

159.Weigan Lin,Yumin Xiang,“Electrostatic Force on the Walls of a Rectangular Coaxial Line”,Journal of Electrostaics,vol。45,no。4,pp。275-283,Jun。1998

160.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“FDTDM and its application in optoelectronics(1)”,Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics,vol。19,no。3,pp。167-172,1998(中文)

161.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,Yanming Li,“Design of excitation source in computing cut-off frequencies of waveguides by 2D-FDTD method”,Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.17,no.3,pp.236-240,1998(中文)

162.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“FDTDM and its application in optoelectronics(2)”,Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics,vol.19,no.4,pp。214-217,1998(中文)

163.Binjie Hu,Chengli Ruan,Weigan Lin,“Propagation properties of a plasma waveguide in a finite magnetic field”,Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica,vol.47,no.2,pp.245-251,1998(中文)

164.Kailiang Dai,Weigan Lin,“Time domain method for the sounding of the ionosphere”,Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science,vol.13,no.1,pp.27-30,1998(中文)

165.Q.Zheng,F.Xie and W.Lin,“Solution of Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation by Multipole Theory Method”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.13,no。2,pp。205-220,1999

166.Q.Zheng,F.Xie and W.Lin,“Solution of Three-Dimensional Equation by Multippole Theory Method”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.13,no。3,pp。339-357,1999

167.Kang Lan,Yaowu Liu,and Weigan Lin,“A Higher Order(2,4)Scheme for Reducing Dispersion in FDTD Algorithm”,IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,vol。41,no。2,pp。160-165,May 1999

168.Xiaojun Zhou,Weigan Lin,“Numerical stability and numerical dispersion of compact conformal mapping 2D-FDTD method used for the dispersion analysis of waveguides”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.20,no.7,pp.1403-1412,Jul,1999

169.Q.Zheng,D.Hou,F.Xie,and W.Lin,“Solution of Two-Dimensional Laplace Equation by Multipole Theory Method”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vo1.13,no.8,pp。1061-1076,1999

170.Zhongdong Li,Qi Guo,Weigan Lin,“Numerical research on the self-focusing of optical beams”,Zhongguo Jiguang/Chiese Journal of Lasers,vol.26,no.8,pp.711-716,Aug.,1999(中文)

171.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“Perfectly matched anisotropic absorbing medium in generalized cylinder coordinates”,Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science,vol.14,no.3,pp.281-286,September,1999

172.Haijing Zhou,Weigan Lin,Wu Ding,Chuanming Zhou,Edward K.N.Yung,K.M.Luk,“Analysis of a novel family of highl-power waveguides”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.22,no.6,pp.420-423,September,1999

173.H.Zhou,W.Lin,D.Wu,and C.Zhou,“A New Method for Measuring Cut-off Wavelengths of Waveguides with Arbitrary Cross Sections”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.13,no。10,pp.1431-1438,1999

174.W.Lin,H.Zhou,Z.Yu,E。K。N。Yung,and K。M。Luk,“Theoretical and Experimental Study of a New Family of High-Power Waveguides”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.13,no。11,pp。1013-1020,1999

175.Guangming Wang,Youqian Feng,Jiqin Wang,Weigan Lin,“Calculation of PSM of a circular metal disk”,Xi’an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University,vol.26,no.6,pp.776-779,December,1999(中文)

176.喻志远,林为干,“波动方程二阶差分方法的研究及在矩形波导中的应用”,电子科技大学学报,第 1 期,1999.“英文篇名”Analysis of Wave Equation of Sencod Order Difference and Its Applications in Rectangular Waveguides

177.周海京,林为干,丁武,周传明,“新型椭圆函数波导族的保角变换有限差分解法”,电波科学学报,第 2 期,1999.“英文篇名”Conformal mapping finite difference method for analyzinga novel family of elliptic function waveguides




181.周晓军,喻志远,林为干,“用 Cassinian 变换 FDTD 方法分析几种特殊截面波导传输特性”,电子学报,vol.28,no.3,pp.53-56,2000



184.林为干,“共形映射应用于光纤传输特性研究”,桂林电子工业学院学报,第4期,2000.“英文篇名”An Applieation of Conformal Mapping to the Determination of Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers

185.李思敏,张德琨,林为干,“四频率参量下变频器的理论与实验”,桂林电子工业学院学报,第4期,2000.“英文篇名”The Theory and Experiment of Four Frequencies Parametric DownConverter

186.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“Numerical stability and numerical dispersion of conformal mapping FDTD algorithm”,Dianzi Kexue Xuekan/Journal of Electronics,vol.22,no.4,pp.618-625,July,2000(中文)

187.W.Lin,Z.Yu,E.K.N.Yuang,and K.M.Luk,“Conchoid of Nicomedes and Limacon of Pascal as Electrode of Static Field and as Waveguide of High Frequency Wave”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.14,no.10,pp.1395-1396,2000

188.W.Lin,Z.Yu,E.K.N.Yung,and K.M.Luk,“Theory of SN Function Wave Guides”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.15,no.6,pp.779-795,2001

189.W.Lin,“Theory of SNW DNW/CNW and SNW/(1 CNW)Function Waveguides”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vo1.15,no.9,pp.1239-1245,2001

190.Yumin Xiang,W。Lin,“A Study of Electrostatic Force on the Walls on N-regular Polygon-multifin Line”,Journal of Electrostatics,50,2,pp。119-128,Jan。2001

191.Guoxiang Liu,Li Hu,Kunzhen Ye,Weigan Lin,“Characters of acousto-optic intensity modulation based on optical fiber fused taper coupler”,Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optical Sinica,vol.21,no.12,pp.1498-1500,December,2001(中文)

192.李思敏,张德琨,林为干,“波导中模式吸收边界条件的计算方法”,电子学报,第9期,2001.“英文篇名”Method of Calculating Modal Absorbing Boundary Condition for Waveguide Problems

193.W。Lin,Z。Yu,“A Critical Study of the Sample Curves of the Three Elliptic Functions snw,cnw And dnw At w=u jK’/2 And w=K/2 jv”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol.16,no.5,pp.703-710,2002

194.Guoxiang Liu,Li Hu,Kunzhen Ye,Weigan Lin,“Experimental study on acousto-optic modulation based on single-mode fiber fused coupler”,Chinese Journal of Lasers B(English Edition),vol.11,no.3,pp.193-197,June,2002

195.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“The effective analysis of electromagnetic bandgap structure of E-uniplane corrugated in a rectangular waveguide by the FDTD of wave equation at Ka-band”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol.16,no.12,pp.1753-1764,2002.


197.李思敏,姜兴,苏光杰,林为干,“嵌入匹配网络的电小天线的优化设计”,电子学报,第9期,2002.“英文篇名”Optimizing Design of Electric Small Antenna Embedded Matched Network

198.Weigan Lin,Zhiyuan Yu,“Theory of CN waveguide,”Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol.18,no.9,pp.1141-1156,2004

199.Yumin Xiang,Weigan Lin,“The electrically induced stress in the dielectric of a transmission coaxial line”Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,vol.10,no.2,pp.157-168,March,2005

200.Xie Xiaoqiang,Xu Ruiming,Yan Bo,Zhang Yong,Lin Weigan,“A novel millimeter-wave power combining circuit”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,vol.26,no.10,pp。1453-1464,October 2005

201.Weigan Lin,Zhiyuan Yu,“existence and uniqueness of the solutions in the SN,DN and CN waveguide theories”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol.20,no.2,pp.237-247,2006

202.Zhanxian Xu,Weigan Lin,Lidu Kong,“Controllable metamaterial electrmagnetic structure research on applying to stealth technology,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters”,Volume 49,Issue 7,pp.1616-1619,July 2007

203.Weigan Lin,E.K.N.Yuang,“theory of cassinian waveguides”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol.21,no.10,pp.1323-1331,2007

204.Zhanxian Xu,Lidu Kong,Weigan Lin,Baofu Jia,“Microwave characteristic simulation research for a kind of novel electromagnetic structure”,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,v 19,n 3,June,pp.467-472,2008


会 议 论 文

1.Weigan Lin,“Poer Carrying Capacity Reduction in Straight Regular Waveguide Containing Foreign Conduting Bodies”,IEE Conference Publication,no.219,pp.385-389,1983

2.Weigan Lin and Zhiqing Zhang,“Control and utilization of dual orthogonal modes in a rectrangular cavity”,Conference Proceedings–European Microwave Conference,pp.646-651,1983

3.Weigan Lin,“Microwave Research in China”,IEEE MTT-S Digest,1986

4.Dengguo Zhang and Weigan Lin,“New Design Method of H-Plane Waveguide Circulator”,Conference Digest-International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,pp。342-343,1987

5.Weigan Lin,Dawei Li,Wei Sun,Changan Luo,“EMI analysis and measurement of rocket”,IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,no.pt 1,pp.358-360,1989

6.Jiang Li,Weigan Lin,“Inverse scattering for dielectric spheres”,AP-S International Symposium(Digest)(IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society),vol.2,pp.1048-1051,1990

7.Changhua Wan,Chengli Ruan,and Weigan Lin,“Practical Restrictions and Performances of Electromagnetic Missiles of Disk Type”AP-S International Symposium(Digest)(IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society),vol.3,1991 Digest,pp。1788-1791,1991

8.Xuegang Zeng,Weigan Lin,“Radar Equation and Signal Design for the Electromagnetic Missile”,Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium,AP-S Digest 1992.Held in Conjuction with:URSI Radio Science Meeting and Nuclear EMP Meeting,IEEE,vol.1,pp.89,18-25 July 1992

9.Junxiang Ge,Weigan Lin,“Electromagnetic wave scattering by a two layer nonconfocal elliptical dielectric cylinder”,AP-S International Symposium(Digest)(IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society),vol.2,pp.934-937,1993

10.Jian Fang,Weigan Lin,Yusheng Zhao,“Numerical solution of the parabolic equation representing electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere using the box method”,Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering,v 2211,pp.758-767,1994

11.Yanyan Liu,Junbo Wang,Shixiao Le,Weigan Lin,“Output property of a nonlinear Fabry-Perot interferometer”,Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering,Volume 2229,pp.210-216,1994

12.Weigan Lin,Edward K.N.Yung,and K.M.Luk,“Jacobian Elliptic Function Solution of Characteristics of Rectangular Groove Wave-guide with Rounded Internal Corners”,pp.1843-1844,IEEE MTT-S Digest1996

13.Weigan Lin,Edward K.N.Yung,and K.M.Luk,“Conchoid of Nicomedes as Electrode of Static Field an as Waveguide of High Frequency Wave”,1997 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings,APMC'97,vol.1,pp.205–208,1997

14.Xiaojun Zhou,Zhiyuan Yu,and Weigan Lin,“Characteristics of eccentric coaxial line using conformal mapping and finite difference time-domain method”,1997 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings,APMC'97,vol.1,pp.269-272,1997

15.Weigan Lin,Haijing Zhou,E.K.N.Yung,,and K.M.Luk,“Theoretical and Experimental Study of a novel Family of High-power Waveguides”,1997 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings,APMC'97,vol.2,pp.753-756,1997

16.Liangjin Xue,Quan Xue,and Weigan Lin,“Dielectric Resonator Suspended on E-Plane”,1997 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings,APMC'97,vol.1,pp.813-816,1997

17.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“Artificial Attenuation Technology for the Numerical Simulation of Resonance Circuits in the Waveguides by FDTD”,Microwave Conference,1999 Asia Pacific,1999,vol.2,pp.580-583

18.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“The Numerical Analyses of the Strip Loop Resonance Box Cavity”,25th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2000.Conference Digest.2000,pp.237-238

19.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“An Excellent Artificial Attenuate Absorbing Boundary Condition for FDTD Calculations”,Microwave Conference,2000 Asia-Pacific,2000,pp.996-1000

20.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“Some studies of the compression of data of FDTD in millimeter waveguides by the technology of artificial attenuation”,Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,2002.Proceedings。ICMMT 2002.2002 3rd International Conference on 17-19 Aug。2002 Page(s):657-660

21.Zhiyuan Yu,Weigan Lin,“A numerical analysis of the effects of the packing of microstrip devices with photonic bandgap technique”,Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2002.Conference Digest.Twenty Seventh International Conference on 22-26 Sept.2002 Page(s):277-278

22.Zhiyuan Yu,Yi Yang,Weigan Lin,“A new kind of waveguide filters based on the EBG of the single metal patch and its images on the waveguide walls,Microwave Conference Proceedings”,2005.APMC 2005.Asia-Pacific Conference Proceedings,vol.3,Page(s):3,4-7 Dec.2005

23.Xiaoqiang Xie,Ruimin Xu,Rui Diao,Weigan Lin,“A New Millimeter-wave Multi-way Power Dividing/Combining Network Based on Waveguide-Microstrip E-plane Dual-Probe Structure”,Millimeter Waves,2008.GSMM 2008.Global Symposium on 21-24,pp.257-259,April 2008

24.Xiaoqiang Xie,Ruimin Xu,Ran feng,Weigan Lin,“A millimeter-wave high power combining circuit based on a waveguide-based lossless symmetric 180° 3-dB hybrid”,Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,2008.ICMMT 2008.International Conference on Volume 2,pp.548-550,21-24 April 2008