
第23章 Privacy: Cell-Phone Sanctuaries

It may sound like an oxymoron①:“A phone booth for the mobile world.” But that’s the slogan Salemi Industries of Woburn, Mass., is using to push its “cell-phone booths” to libraries, stadiums②, nightclubs and restaurants in response to complaints about blabbermouths③ and privacy concerns.

The Cell Zone is priced between 2,400 and 3,500, and stands about seven feet tall. The cylindrical④ steel booths block 30 to 40 decibels of noise.

U.S. Cellular purchased two of them for a summer music festival that the wireless carrier is sponsoring in Milwaukee; Michael Salemi says he has about 100 more orders in the works. AtlantaPhoneBooths.com and C.P. Booth of Ft. Wayne, Ind., offer retro⑤-style options (think Clark Kent’s changing station) with modern ventilation⑥ systems. Cell-phone booths may revive a “bygone⑦ era of privacy,” says Jacqueline Whitmore, founder of July’s National Cell Phone Courtesy Month.

But do public yappers really care about annoying others? “Some people are just going to be jerks⑧,” says AtlantaPhoneBooth’s founder Steve Konsin, whose booths cost 4,500. “It’s important that you give people the option of being courteous⑨.”

① oxymoronn. [语]矛盾形容法

② stadiumn. 体育场,运动场;球场;竞技场

③ blabbermouthn. 长舌者;大嘴巴

④ cylindricaladj. 圆柱形的;圆筒状的

⑤ retroadj. (服装式样等)重新流行的

⑥ ventilationn. 通风;流通空气

⑦ bygoneaadj. 过去的,已往的

⑧ jerkn. [美][俚]蠢人;古怪的人

⑨ courteousadj. 殷勤的,谦恭的,有礼貌的




