
第24章 Google vs Yahoo!

Back in the simpler, more innocent mid-1990s, Internet searches were seen as a loss leader. Users portalsalled but dismissed Internet search. Sure, it was a nice way to bring in users, but it was just one of the many services that surfers would use on a Web site. It is better to outsource it.

Overture changed all that. By selling the rights to keywords of a Web search on a cost-per-click basis, the company opened a Pandora’s Box of profit. The idea made sense: If you’re in the market for a tennis racket and type “tennis racket” on a Web search to compare products, a list of vendors accompanying your search results would probably be welcome. Those vendors① would want your attention, and would compete with each other economically to get it. The more lucrative② the terms are, the more expensive to get top billing on a results page.

By building a better search engine, you attract a bigger audience, and thus increase the rates you can charge. Google soon joined Overture.

The search industry has reached nearly 7 billion in revenue by 2007, growing at a compounded rate of 35% each year. Those kinds of numbers attract a lot of attention. In 2003, Yahoo! that was outsourcing its search to Google, wanted in on the action and paid 1.63 billion to buy Overture. Yahoo dumped Google and now exclusively uses Overture, officially declaring war.

Sleeping giant Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT-news-people ), meanwhile, was rumored to have made an unsuccessful stab at acquiring Google, and is now using its nearly infinite resources to improve it own search engine.

Google is also taking on Yahoo! and Microsoft in the Web mail business. It had announced its GMail service, which will include one full gigabyte③ of mail storage for free.

To beat back pretenders④ the search throne, Google is announcing plans for an initial public offering. The company, which has jealously guarded any details involving its finances, will finally have to reveal how large─or small─it is.

① vendorn. [律]卖主

② lucrativeadj. 赚钱的,有利可图的

③ gigabyten. [电脑]十亿字节;十亿位组

④ pretendern. 妄提要求者







另一方面,Google也在电子邮件服务领域向雅虎和微软发起挑战。Google已经宣布推出 “GMail”大容量免费电邮服务,邮箱容量高达1GB。
