
第25章 The History and Future of Computer

It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers. But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we associate with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general purpose.

Perhaps the most influential① of the early computer-like devices was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC. It was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. The project began in 1943 and was completed in 1946. The machine was huge; it weighed 30 tons and contained over 18,000 vacuum tubes.

First-generation computers were characterized by the use of vacuum② tubes as their principal electronic component. Vacuum tubes are bulky and produce a lot of heat, so first-generation computers were large and required extensive air conditioning to keep them cool. In addition, because vacuum tubes do not operate very fast, these computers were relatively slow.

Other software developments during the first computer generation include the design of the FORTRAN programming language in 1957. This language became the first widely used high-level language. Also, the first simple operating systems became available with first-generation computers.

In the second generation of computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. Although invented in 1948, the first all-transistor computer did not become available until 1959. Transistors are smaller and less expensive than vacuum tubes, and they operate faster and produce less heat. Hence, with second-generation computers, the size and cost of computers decreased, their speed increased, and their air-conditioning needs were reduced.

Many companies that had not previously③ sold computer entered the industry with the second generation. One of these companies that still makes computers is Control Data Corporation (CDC). They were noted for making high-speed computers for scientific work.

The technical development that marks the third generation of computers is the use of integrated circuits or ICs in computers. An integrated circuit is a piece of silicon (a chip) containing numerous transistors. One IC replaces many transistors in a computer; result in a continuation④ of the trends begun in the second generation. These trends include reduced size, reduced cost, increased speed, and reduced need for air conditioning.

The fourth generation of computers is more difficult to define than the other three generations. This generation is characterized by more and more transistors being contained on a silicon chip. First there was Large Scale Integration (LSI), with hundreds and thousands of transistors per chip, then came Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of transistors. The trend continues today.

We may have defined our last generation of computers and begun the era of generationless computers. Even though computer manufacturers talk of “fifth” and “sixth”-generation computers, this talk is more a marketing play than a reflection of reality.

Advocates of the concept of generationless computers say that even though technological innovations⑤ are coming in rapid succession, no single innovation is, or will be, significant enough to characterize another generation of computers.

Some idea of what might be happening in the near future in supercomputer design can be gleaned⑥ from a press release issued by the US Department of Energy (DoE). It came out of the SUPERCOMPUTING 2002 Conference held last November in Baltimore, MD. The press release announced that the DoE had awarded IBM a 290 (USD) million contract to build the two fastest supercomputers in the world with a combined peak speed of 460 TFlops. To get an idea of the speed computing throughput 460 teraflops represents, the press release states that these two systems will have more than one-and-a-half times the combined processing power of all 500 machines on the recently announced TOP 500 List of Supercomputers.

① influentialadj. 有影响的;有权势的

② vacuumn. 真空[C]

③ previouslyadv. 事先;以前

④ continuationn. (间断后的)再开始;继续不断;延续

⑤ innovationn. 革新,改革,创新[U]

⑥ gleanv. 点滴搜集(消息、材料等)



也许早期最具影响力的类似计算机的装置应该是电子数字积分计算机,或简称ENIAC。它是由宾夕凡尼亚大学的J. Presper Eckert和John Mauchly研制的。该工程于1943年开始,并于1946年完成。这台机器极其庞大,重达30吨,而且包含18,000多个真空管。







我们可能已经定义了我们最新一代计算机而且开始了计算机的无代时代。即使计算机制造商谈到 “第五”和 “第六”代计算机,这些说法更多是市场行为,而不是真实的反映。

