
第10章 14-Day Plan Improves Memory

It sounds like an infomercial① from late-night TV: Follow this four-step plan and improve your memory in just 14 days!

But researchers have indeed found a way to improve memory function in people. After a two-week study that involved brainteasers②, exercise and diet changes, study participants’ memories worked more efficiently.

Here’s the program:

Memory Training: Brainteasers, crossword puzzles③ and memory exercises that emphasized verbal④ skills throughout the day.

Healthy Diet: Five meals daily included a balanced diet rich in omega-3⑤ fats, whole grains and antioxidants⑥. Eating frequent meals prevents dips in blood glucose⑦, the primary energy source for the brain.

Physical Fitness: Brisk daily walks and stretching. Physical fitness has been found in other research to reduce the risk of diseases.

Stress Reduction: Stretching and relaxation exercises. Stress causes the body to release cortisol⑧, which can impair memory and has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain.

Before-and-after brain scans showed the participants experienced on average a five percent decrease in brain metabolism⑨ in the dorsallateral prefrontal⑩ region of the brain, which is directly linked to working memory and other cognitive functions. This suggests they were using their brains more efficiently. The subjects also performed better on a cognitive test.

A control group that didn’t follow the plan showed no significant changes.

We’ve known for years that diet and exercise can help people maintain their physical health, which is a key component of healthy. But maintaining mental health is just as important. Now we have evidence which suggests that people can preserve their memory by adding memory exercises and stress reduction to this routine.

① infomercialn. 商业信息片,提供给消费者的相当长的商业信息的电视节目

② brainteasern. 脑筋急转弯,考验智力的问题或难题

③ crossword puzzle纵横拼字谜

④ verbaladj. 口头的

⑤ omega-3n. 一种不饱和脂肪酸,是人体必需的脂肪酸,可降低人体血脂,防止血液凝聚,从而减少血栓塞等心脑血管疾病的发生。

⑥ antioxidantn. 防老化剂

⑦ blood glucose血糖

⑧ cortisoln. 皮质醇

⑨ metabolismn. 新陈代谢

⑩ prefrontaladj. 前额的










