
第9章 How to Overcome Your Stress

What is Stress?

Stress is a reaction, physical, mental, or emotional, to demands or changes in your life. Everyone is affected by stressful situations. It is easy to acknowledge① that a major life change, such as losing one’s job or a death in the family, causes stress. One can also “be stressed” with an accumulation② of daily pressures, such as long commutes③ in traffic, a hectic④ work schedule, or disagreements with coworkers or family members. Your stress may be apparent⑤ to you and everyone else around you, or it may be hidden.

Stress, if continuous, can effect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The following information will help you recognize stress and learn positive coping mechanisms⑥ to reduce your risk of health problems.

Let us first take a look at what stress does to the body. When confronted⑦ by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline⑧ and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster, our digestion to slow down, and we feel a sudden rush of energy.

When we perceive⑨ that the danger has passed, our brain stops producing the chemicals that causes the physical reactions, and our bodies return to their normal state. If we continue to react to the event, even after the event has passed, then our minds and our bodies stay in a state of alarm. If this state of tension is maintained, it can contribute to minor health problems and is thought to be associated with other more serious diseases.

Sources of Stress

The next step is to identify the sources of your stress and to write them down. Often the act of writing down your problems can be therapeutic as it may give you an opportunity to think through some possible solutions.

It will be easy for you to record your major life changes such as acquiring a new job, moving, getting divorced, losing your job. Be sure to include your daily stressors⑩ as well. Here are some examples:

Financial problems; Lack of support; Poor health; Too much work; Family problems; Out of physical shape; Boring work; Not enough leisure time; Poor diet; Commuting to work; Over/underweight; Noisy environment; Personality clashes; No direction in life.

① acknowledgevt. 承认,对……作出反应

② accumulationn. 积聚,堆积

③ commuten. 上下班交通路程

④ hecticadj. 繁忙的,忙乱的

⑤ apparentadj. 清晰可见的,明显的

⑥ mechanismn. 办法,途径,技巧

⑦ confrontvt. 迎面遇到,面临,遭遇

⑧ adrenalinen.(生化)肾上腺素

⑨ perceivevt. 感觉,察觉,意识到

⑩ stressorn. 紧张性刺激










经济问题; 缺乏支持; 身体虚弱; 工作过多; 家庭问题; 身材不好; 枯燥的工作; 无足够的闲暇; 不良的饮食; 长距离乘车上下班; 过胖/过瘦; 吵闹的环境; 性格的冲突; 生活无目标。