
第10章 Michael Collins to His Fiancee

15 Cadogan GardensChelse, London S. W

19 October 1921

My dear Kitty,

I was cross①—very cross—when I wrote yesterday. I tried hard all day to forget you, but it wouldn’t work out. I gave up the attempt and I punished myself for not being nice to you—and there you are. You have it all now. That being so. I hope you won’t feel it necessary to write any more severe letters.

Got your Monday (morning) letter last night when I called to my sister’s place. Didn’t get on too well with her either. Trouble everywhere. My own fault. One thing in your letter is truly fine. It does seem ages since I saw you!And it does seem a long way—to our next conversation I mean. These conversations are fine, and they are straight②, and that’s that.

Hope you enjoyed that drive. Last night I escaped from all my people and went for a drive alone. Rather funny—the great M. C. in lonely splendor③. I am lonely actually and I suppose you won’t believe that, and that’s that.

Sorry that some of my letters should fall short. Read those ones again. They are not meant to fall really short. But life has to take in the serious things as well as the light things, and even though we may like sunshine always, it is not practically nor indeed—and remember this—It is desirable. And that’s that.

And I am very cross with myself this morning, and I am very apologetic④ to you and I ought to be, and not for yesterday’s letter merely but a lot more, and without you I would never have thought of the candles and I know I owe you any amount, and I know that you have been of immense⑤ help to me. I was overjoyed last night when my sister asked when were P and H returning from Paris, and couldn’t we have dinner with them and perhaps K could be there also. I wonder if K would, and I wonder what my K thinks of this letter. It’s very unlike me, isn’t it?And I won’t change it. And this is finished.

And love and blessings.


① crossadj.发怒的,脾气坏的

② straightadj. 正直的,坦率的

③ splendorn. 光辉,光采,壮丽,壮观

④ apologeticadj. 道歉的,认错的,愧悔的

⑤ immenseadj. 巨大的,无边无际的,无限的











