
第11章 Kitty Kiernan to Her Fiance

My dear Michael,

I am surprised at your note just received. I never meant you to read my letter the way you did. Never suggested that you were not straight in anyone of the things you suggested. I’m afraid you took the letter all wrong.

I am very sorry if I have offended you, or made you unhappy by that letter—and really you probably won’t believe me, but it was never intended① as such. I can’t remember the letter exactly now, but am quite sure that when writing it, I didn’t feel those things. As I do now, always so did. You are everything to me, and surely you know it. Then why should I want to hurt you?No, you misjudge② me. It was a misunderstanding, the whole thing, and I am sorry. Please forget it and remember that I am always thinking of you. You are never out of my heart. I feel very sad and unhappy today since I got your note. Do hope that my next one will cheer you, and have a different effect. Will be more careful next time what I write!My letters are slow going. Wrote on Mondy, you should have it Tuesday night.

It worries me and it is always worrying that you have so much to do. Is there no remedy③?I wish I were near you nose. Come for the weekend. Ah, do. This weekend. Couldn’t be done?How I’d love it. Ah, yes, try, try. You will come. Just send a note Friday that you are coming Saturday.

I wrote you, or tried to write you a nice letter yesterday. Hope it will please you and help lighten④ the heavy load.

This is my morning in shop. Then I go over in the evening in such bad humor to try to wash my hair for the night, sew my long frock etc. Your note has upset it all. But I’ll go to the dance. That’s what you would like me to do, isn’t it?But this doesn’t say I’ll enjoy it. You, of course, will be near all the time. I’ll feel that I’ll want to talk of you always, but it might bore other men?That isn’t the way to get partners at a Ball!So I’ll just have to put my best foot forward if I want to dance. Had a nice little note come from you, I’d be in great form going. Larry is motoring me.

I wish that you were here, and please make it up with me and don’t be vexed. Send me a wire if you have time. I’ll know by it that all is well.

Can’t you be more kind to yourself as regards work, and have more sleep and air. You never hint how things are going over there, but suppose it’s hard to tell.

I went to bed early last night and prayed for you. Was the letter awful that you destroyed?Did you say goodbye to me for good. I’d forgive you if you did it just in a fit⑤. Write and say we are as great as ever. Your letter today was not like you, nor like the lovely ones that I got before.

If my letter written on Monday night displeases you, it was partly Dr Mac M’s fault. He tried to tease me all the time, firing things at me while I was writing it. I got into a temper.

Goodbye with my love and a big kiss(if you’ll have it).

Yours ever,


① intendv. 想要,打算

② misjudgev. 判断错误,轻视

③ remedyn. 治疗,治疗法,药物

④ lightenv. 使光明,照亮

⑤ fitn. (感情等的)突发,(活动等的)一阵紧张













