
第4章 Margaret Fuller to Her Brother

Jamaica Plain

20th, December 1840

It is not, my dear Arthur, because I “have so little to say to you” that my letters are short, but because bad health and many engagements oblige① me to such economy of time. You know, too, that writing is of all occupations, the very worst for my malady, and as I must do a great deal at any rate I abstain always when I can. Bear this in mind, and don’t measure my interest in your pursuits, or affection for yourself by the number or length of my letters.

I continue to manage very well. We banquet② on pork rather more constantly than is agreeable to a “true believer” like my self.

My other life continues its usual course. I have been to hear the Sonnambula, but with scarce more satisfaction than our fastidious Richard derived from his concert, of which, I suppose, he has given you an account.

The news of Ellen’s illness was sad to me both on her account and Mother’s over whose visit a cloud is cast at once. Mr. Keats’s letter to me was kind and clear. She will have, I am sure, all the attention and wise counsel she needs. The fever was gone and only a rheumatic③ affection remained of which the physician thought she would soon be free. I shall hope very soon to hear again.

About your school I do not think I can give you much advice, which would be of value unless I knew your position more in detail. The important rule is, as in all relations with our fellow creatures, never forget that, if they are imperfect persons, they are immortal souls, and treat them as you would wish to be treated by the light of that though.

As to the application of means—abstain from punishment as much as possible and use encouragement as far as you can without flattery. But be even more careful as to strict truth in this regard towards children than to persons of your own age. For to the child the parent or teacher is the representative of Justice, and as that of life is severe, an education which in any degree, excites vanity④ is the very worst preparation for that general and crowded school.

I doubt not you will teach grammar well, as I saw you aimed at principles in your practice.In geography, try to make pictures of the scenes, that they may be present to their imagination, and the nobler faculties be brought into action as well as memory. In history study, try to paint the characters of great men, they best interpret the leadings of events amid the nations.

I am pleased with your way of speaking of both people and pupils, your view seems from the right point, yet beware of over great pleasure in being popular or even beloved. As far as an amiable disposition and powers of entertainment make you so, it is a happiness, but is there one grain of plausibility, it is poison, but I will not play mentor much, lest⑤ I make you averse to write to your very affectionate sister.


① obligev. 使不得不,迫使

② banquetv. 宴请,设宴款待

③ rheumaticadj. 风湿病的,风湿病引起的

④ vanityn. 自负,虚荣,虚幻,无意义

⑤ lestconj. 惟恐,免得











