
第5章 Henry James to His Sister

3 Bolton St. W.

Feb. 29th, 1884

Dearest Sister,

I seem to myself to be constantly letting longer intervals elapse① between my letters to you, but I suppose that is inevitable in a prolonged correspondence. I will try and not let silence get too much ahead of speech. I wrote you last just after I had gone over to Paris, from which place I returned, after a stay of some three weeks, two days ago.

I am very glad to relapse② into Bolton Street as I always am, after any absence, however pleasant, and I say this without detriment to Paris, which, for short periods, is always charming to me. Nothing very particular happened to me there, but I saw my old friends and the new plays and had some excellent food. I greatly missed Turgenieff, but I saw the Princess Our Oussoff, whom I used to see a great deal of old, and who is a most clever and curious woman, and she told me various things about the last year of his life.

I am much horrified to learn that since his death Mme Viardot complains of him—of his having impoverished③ them, whereas he ruined himself for her and her children. But these are odious discussions. While I was in Paris I heard from Aunt Kate of your intending to go on to N. Y. to try an electrician, and therefore suppose that you have achieved it and that you even no ware lodged behind some brownstone front of your native city. This sounds to me like a big attempt, and I hope it will be a big success. The drama of your separation from Katharine is well over now, I suppose, and I will not indulge in vain conjectures as to how you bear your bereavement④. I pray that whatever it may be, it is at least not worse than you—or she—supposed.

I am writing her a word of greeting, here, through the Barings, and she probably will send me a line—describing you, as she left you—when she arrives in Italy. We are having the first cold of the winter and Mrs. Duncan Stewart is dead. But the cold is bright and wholesome and Mrs. Stewart had become a kind of talking melancholy⑤ ghost. She was a charming old being, however, and I hall miss her much. Someday I shall put her into a book.

I have already seen Mrs. Kemble and find her constantly a little more and a little more broken and, as it were, indented. I shall never put her into a book. Salvini made his first appearance here, last night, in Othello, and I went to see him, but to my surprise and distress he gave all the climax of the play much less finely than when I saw him a year ago in Boston, and I was proportionately taken aback, having puffed him so to some of my friends who were there. It was as if he had toned it down and weakened it deliberately, and I don’t understand the mystery. I shall try and see him, and inquire.

A note just comes in from William, accompanying⑥ some papers for me to sign in which he speaks definitely of your going to N. Y. on the 14th. I hope Mary will be an efficient(and effective) soubrette.

I don’t think I have any news that will interest you. Miss Motley(a supposedly hopeless old maid, plain and not moneyed)is to marry Colonel Mildmay. There is a sign of cheer for you—having the advantages that she lacks. Mrs. Lombard was still seriously ill when I left Paris, and I took upon myself to write to her son. She ought to come home unless she has some one with her more powerful than Fanny.

I hear every now and then from Carrie, but it is difficult to write to her, for want of topics. But I do what I can. I shall send this to Aunt Kate to give you. Bob’s quietude seems almost too good to be true. Ever your affectionate.


① elapsev. (时间)过去,消逝

② relapsev. 重新陷入,故态复萌

③ impoverishv. 使贫穷,使赤贫

④ bereavementn. 丧亲,丧友

⑤ melancholyadj. 忧郁的,郁闷的

⑥ accompanyv. 陪同,伴随













