
第8章 The Goloshes of Fortune(2)

Suddenly he heard the sound of a drum and fifes, and then a blazing light from torches shone upon him. The counsellor stared with astonishment as he beheld a most strange procession pass before him. First came a whole troop of drummersdrummer n.鼓手, <美> 旅行推销员, beating their drums very cleverly, they were followed by lifeguards, with longbows and crossbows. The principal person in the procession was a clericallooking gentleman. The astonished counsellor asked what it all meant, and who the gentleman might be.


“That is the bishop of Zealand.”


“Good gracious!” he exclaimed, “what in the world has happened to the bishop? what can he be thinking about?” Then he shook his head and said, “It cannot possibly be the bishop himself.”

“老天爷!主教有什么了不起的事儿要这样做?”司法官叹了一口气,摇了摇头。“这不可能是主教! ”

While musing on this strange affair, and without looking to the right or left, he walked on through East Street and over Highbridge Place. The bridge, which he supposed led to Palace Square, was nowhere to be found, but instead, he saw a bank and some shallow water, and two people, who sat in a boat.


“Does the gentleman wish to be ferried over the Holm?” asked one.


“To the Holm!” exclaimed the counsellor, not knowing in what age he was now existing, “I want to go to Christians Haven, in Little Turf Street.” The men stared at him. “Pray tell me where the bridge is!” said he. “It is shamefulshameful adj.不体面的 that the lamps are not lighted here, and it is as muddy as if one were walking in a marsh.” But the more he talked with the boatmen the less they could understand each other.

“到霍尔姆去?”司法官说。他完全不知道他在一个什么时代里走路。“我要到克利斯仙码头、到小市场去呀!”那两个人呆呆地望着他。“请告诉我桥在什么地方?”他说。“这儿连路灯也没有,真是说不过去。而且遍地泥泞,使人觉得好像是在沼泽地里走路似的!” 的确他跟这两个船夫越谈越糊涂。

“I dont understand your outlandish talk,” he cried at last, angrily turning his back upon them. He could not, however, find the bridge nor any railingsrailing n.栏杆, 扶手.


“What a scandalous condition this place is in,” said he, never, certainly, had he found his own times so miserable as on this evening. “I think it will be better for me to take a coach, but where are they?” There was not one to be seen! “I shall be obliged to go back to the kings new market,” said he, “where there are plenty of carriages standing, or I shall never reach Christians Haven.” Then he went towards East Street, and had nearly passed through it, when the moon burst forth from a cloud.

“这里的情形太不像话!”他说。他从来没有想到他的时代会像今晚这样悲惨。“我想我还是叫一辆马车吧!”他想,可是马车到什么地方去了呢?——一辆也看不见。“我看我还是回到皇家新市场去吧,那儿停着许多马车。不然的话,我恐怕永远走不到克利斯仙码头了。” 现在他向东街走去。当他快要走完的时候,月亮忽然出来了。

“Dear me, what have they been erecting here?” he cried, as he caught sight of the East gate, which in olden times used to stand at the end of East Street. However, he found an opening through which he passed, and came out upon where he expected to find the new market. Nothing was to be seen but an open meadow, surrounded by a few bushes, through which ran a broad canalcanal n.运河, 小道, 导管, 槽, 沟渠vt.开运河 or stream. A few miserablelooking wooden booths, for the accommodation of Dutch watermen, stood on the opposite shore.


“Either I behold a fata morganafata morgana n.海市蜃楼, or I must be tipsytipsy adj.喝醉的, 倾斜的,” groaned the counsellor. “What can it be? What is the matter with me?” He turned back in the full conviction that he must be ill. In walking through the street this time, he examined the houses more closely, he found that most of them were built of lath and plaster, and many had only a thatched roof.


“I am certainly all wrong,” said he, with a sigh, “and yet I only drank one glass of punch. But I cannot bear even that, and it was very foolish to give us punch and hot salmonsalmon n.鲑鱼, 大麻哈鱼, 鲜肉色. I shall speak about it to our hostess, the agents lady. Suppose I were to go back now and say how ill I feel, I fear it would look so ridiculous, and it is not very likely that I should find any one up.” Then he looked for the house, but it was not in existence.

“不成,我病了!”他叹了一口气。“我不过只喝了一杯混合酒!不过这已经够使我醉了。此外拿热鲑鱼给我们下酒也的确太糟糕。我要向女主人——事务官的太太抗议!不过,假如我回去,把实际情况告诉他们,那也有点可笑,而且他们有没有起床还是问题。” 他寻找这家公馆,可是没有办法找到。

“This is really frightful, I cannot even recognize East Street. Not a shop to be seen, nothing but old, wretched, tumbledown houses, just as if I were at Roeskilde or Ringstedt. Oh, I really must be ill! It is no use to stand upon ceremonystand upon ceremony 讲究礼节, 拘泥礼节, 讲客套. But where in the world is the agents house. There is a house, but it is not his, and people still up in it, I can hear. Oh dear! I certainly am very queer.” As he reached the halfopen door, he saw a light and went in. It was a tavern of the olden times, and seemed a kind of beershop. The room had the appearance of a Dutch interior. A number of people, consisting of seamen, Copenhagen citizens, and a few scholars, sat in deep conversation over their mugs, and took very little notice of the new comer.
