
第9章 The Goloshes of Fortune(3)

“Pardon me,” said the counsellor, addressing the landlady, “I do not feel quite well, and I should be much obliged if you will send for a fly to take me to Christians Haven.” The woman stared at him and shook her head. Then she spoke to him in German. The counsellor supposed from this that she did not understand Danish, he therefore repeated his request in German. This, as well as his singular dress, convinced the woman that he was a foreigner. She soon understood, however, that he did not find himself quite well, and therefore brought him a mug of water. It had something of the taste of seawater, certainly, although it had been drawn from the well outside. Then the counsellor leaned his head on his hand, drew a deep breath, and ponderedponder v.沉思, 考虑 over all the strange things that had happened to him.

“请您原谅,”司法官对着向他走来的老板娘说,“我有点不舒服!您能不能替我雇一辆马车,把我送到克利斯仙码头去?”老板娘看了他一眼,摇摇头,然后用德文和他讲话。司法官猜想她大概不会讲丹麦文,因此把他的要求又用德文讲了一遍。不过,他的口音和他的装束使得老板娘相信他是一个外国人。她马上懂得了他有些不舒服,因此倒了一杯水给他喝。水很咸,因为那是从外边井里取来的。 司法官用手支着头,深深地吸了一口气,思索着在他周围所发生的一些怪事情。

“Is that todays number of the Day?” he asked, quite mechanically, as he saw the woman putting by a large piece of paper. She did not understand what he meant, but she handed him the sheet, it was a woodcutwoodcut n.木刻,木刻印版, 木版画, representing a meteormeteor n.流星, 大气现象, which had appeared in the town of Cologne.


“That is very old,” said the counsellor, becoming quite cheerful at the sight of this antiqueantique adj.古时的, 过时的n.古物, 古董 drawing. “Where did you get this singular sheet? It is very interesting, although the whole affair is a fable. Meteors are easily explained in these days, they are northern lights, which are often seen, and are no doubt caused by electricity.”


Those who sat near him, and heard what he said, looked at him in great astonishment, and one of them rose, took off his hat respectfully, and said in a very serious manner, “You must certainly be a very learned man, monsieurmonsieur n.先生, 绅士.”


“Oh no,” replied the counsellor, “I can only discourse ondiscourse on (详细地)谈论, 讲述 topics which every one should understand.”


“Modestiamodestia (拉丁文)谦虚 is a beautiful virtue,” said the man. “Moreover, I must add to your speech mihi secus videturmihi secus videtur (拉丁文)不以为然, yet in this case I would suspend my judiciumjudicium (拉丁文)判断.”


“May I ask to whom I have the pleasure of speaking?”


“I am a Bachelor of Divinity,” said the man. This answer satisfied the counsellor. The title agreed with the dress.


“This is surely,” thought he, “an old village schoolmaster, a perfect original, such as one meets with sometimes even in JutlandJutland n.日德兰半岛(北欧的半岛).”


“This is not certainly a locus docendilocus docendi (拉丁文)文教地区,” began the man, “still I must beg you to continue the conversation. You must be well read in ancient lorelore n.学问,知识,(动物的)眼光知识.”


“Oh yes,” replied the counsellor, “I am very fond of reading useful old books, and modern ones as well, with the exception of “Everyday Stories”, of which we really have more than enough.


“Everyday Stories?” asked the bachelor.


“Yes, I mean the new novels that we have at the present day.”


“Oh,” replied the man, with a smile, “and yet they are very witty, and are much read at Court. The king likes especially the romance of Messeurs Iffven and Gaudian, which describes King Arthur and his knights of the round table. He has joked about it with the gentlemen of his Court.”


“Well, I have certainly not read that,” replied the counsellor. “I suppose it is quite new, and published by Heiberg.”


“No,” answered the man, “it is not by Heiberg, Godfred von Gehman brought it out.”


“Oh, is he the publisher? That is a very old name,” said the counsellor, “was it not the name of the first publisher in Denmark?”


“Yes, and he is our first printer and publisher now.” replied the scholar.

“是的,他是我国印刷业的始祖。” 这人回答说。

So far all had passed off very well, but now one of the citizens began to speak of a terrible pestilencepestilence n.瘟疫 which had been raging a few years before, meaning the plague of 1484. The counsellor thought he referred to the cholera, and they could discuss this without finding out the mistake. The war in 1490 was spoken of as quite recent. The English piratespirate n.海盗, 盗印者, 盗版者vt.盗印, 盗版, 掠夺, 翻印 vi.做海盗 had taken some ships in the Channel in 1801, and the counsellor, supposing they referred to these, agreed with them in finding fault with the English. The rest of the talk, however, was not so agreeable, every moment one contradictedcontradict vt.同……矛盾, 同……抵触 the other. The good bachelor appeared very ignorant, for the simplest remark of the counsellor seemed to him either too bold or too fantastic. They stared at each other, and when it became worse the bachelor spoke in Latin, in the hope of being better understood, but it was all useless.


“How are you now?” asked the landlady, pulling the counsellors sleeve.


Then his recollection returned to him. In the course of conversation he had forgotten all that had happened previouslypreviously adv.先前, 以前.


“Goodness me! where am I?” said he. It bewildered him as he thought of it.